SAINT GERMAIN: “…. Students everywhere, especially long for Perfection of form, of voice, of activity, when the only thing that stands between them and this Perfection is their own lack of unwavering confidence in the Inner God Power, which is the Life flowing through their forms to produce this desired effect right now.

Marvels: Do I startle you when I say that one minute a day of actually, joyously feeling this Mighty Perfection of God permeating your mind and being with Its Full Intensity, would in a few months transmute and transform your entire outer appearance? Strange to say, there is only now and then one who will stay close enough to this simple thing to produce these glorious results. The same may be achieved in the use of this great Love, Wisdom, and Power. Do not wait for something to demand it; but continuously, every time you have a few moments during the day, do the following: Just be still and feel this Perfection of God filling every cell of your being, mind, and body; and you will soon see sufficient results to go joyously on until the complete transformation takes place. …”

(Source: Ascended Master Instruction - Discourse XVI - August 25, 1932)

“Physical embodiment is for the purpose of preparing, perfecting, and illumining a body whose vibratory action can be raised to blend with the Body of the "Mighty I AM Presence." We call It "The Magic Presence." Beloved Jesus referred to It as the Seamless Garment.” The Magic Presence by Godfre Ray King pg. 19



By Beloved Saint Germain Vol. III

Excerpt from  D I S C O U R S E  XX  Pages: 232 – 241


“As some of you have already reached into the activity of the Universal Substance, I want to call the attention of all of you to the fact that the substance of your bodies and this substance, seeming to be invisible about you, is immensely sensitive to your conscious thought and feeling—by which you can mold it into any form you wish. 

The substance of your body can, by your conscious thought and feeling, be molded into the most exquisite beauty of form—your eyes, hair, teeth, and skin made dazzling with radiant beauty. This should be very encouraging to the ladies, and I am sure will be to the gentlemen, only they do not like to admit it.

Beloved Brothers and Sisters, when you look into the mirror, say to that which you see there: "Through the Intelligence and Beauty which 'I AM,' I command you to take on Perfect Beauty of form, for 'I AM' that Beauty in every cell of which you are composed. You shall respond to my command and become radiantly beautiful in every way, in thought, word, feeling and form. 'I AM' the Fire and Beauty of your eyes, and I carry forth this Radiant Energy into everything into which I look." Thus you can cause to come into appearance the Perfection which will give you all the encouragement you want, to know that " ‘I AM' always the Governing Presence."



“You need to silence your thinking and feeling activity and concentrate on me and I will show you the elemental of your body and how it works!

 I will show you the elemental of each organ of your body, and even the little ones who take care of each of your teeth! Yes, each tooth is governed by an elemental! Perhaps knowing their work better, you would take better care of your physical bodies! And you would then stop pushing toxic foods into your body, stop criticizing your organs, your shape, your hair.

Know that each strand of your hair is governed by an elemental!

Can you understand where I am going? There is nothing inside or outside your body that is not governed by an elemental intelligence! So please stop mistreating us! We want to serve you and serve you to the best of our ability! But sometimes we need to overcome a lot of challenges to keep your bodies working, WHEN YOU DO NOT PUT THE LEAST EFFORT INTO IT!”

 Given to Beloved Messenger Morgan Le Fay- The Seven Sacred Weeks



“The creatures of the deep such as the octopus, shark, killer whale (to mention a few) have all developed their defense mechanisms as a result of their having contacted the "killer" instincts in mankind's outer consciousness. As you continue to call for the purification of the water element and the redemption of these creatures, they would disappear from the ocean depths.

The creatures on land and in the sea which are slaughtered, and many just for "sport", retrogress and in each suc­ceeding embodiment, carry more and more of the destructive and vindictive nature within themselves. Were it not for Our endeavors and the great assistance of the Elohim of Purity, and Astrea and the Beings of the Violet Fire, many of the pre-historic monsters mentioned in legend and fable would still be a threat to those sailing in the seas!”

Beloved Neptune

September 28, 1956. The Bridge to Freedom


From the Great Elohim of Peace

Given to Morgan Le Fay

“When your Threefold Flame strengthens and begins to pump the Golden Light into your brain, a great process of adjustment of your brain structure begins. Firstly, it floods and enfolds your brain cells, in order to dissolve the grossest substances that numb your brain.

As said, there are seven different levels or densities of matter that make up each of your bodies and each level has seven sublevels, each sublevel also has seven sub-sublevels and so on. Therefore, my beloved children, we are not just talking about the cells detected through a scientific microscope, but about the set of cells of different densities that make up your brain and their correspondence in all your internal bodies.

The purification of the substances that make up your brain can take years or even incarnations, if it depends only on your conscious effort, because to expand the spark within your hearts until it becomes a Pulsating Flame, a huge Momentum of Light must be created, furthermore, it needs to be fed constantly. However, if you attract the attention of an Ascended Master to you, this can be accomplished in a relatively short time.

Not only does your brain need to be cleansed, but also your spine. Many dense patterns and toxic substances accumulate there, for example, residue from alcoholic beverages. The substance generated by alcohol consumption is extremely destructive. It pollutes and obstructs the internal channels that flow within the spinal cord, as well as those leading from it to various parts of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental body. My precious ones, if you knew the damage it causes you, you would never put a drop of alcohol in your body again.

As long as there is no obedience on the part of the student in this matter, in ceasing the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and I mean, completely extinguishing it, an Ascended Master will never assist you in this purification process, as all the energy employed by the Ascended Master in this service of love to you, would be in vain, since with your destructive habit, in a short time, you would again block and numb your brain structure and spinal cord with the same toxic substance.

We wish to give you many clarifications of how things work within your bodies, but we can only do so if there is a continuous effort on the part of a good part of the students to self-correct, educating their outer self in the right direction.

Today I just want to tell you that, until these dense substances are completely purified, the process of adjusting your brain, so that it marries your heart and both begin to work in perfect unity, as just one organ, cannot move on. And only after this process is completed, will your inner eye and ear open to their fullest, like two shining lotuses, connecting you with all spheres and dimensions of Light.




Great Archangel of Resurrection & Ascension -Divine Complement of Archaii Hope

(From: Friendship with the Gods – The bridge to Spiritual Freedom)

 "I AM" Gabriel, He Who is called the 'Announcer' bringing tidings of great joy to all generations. These tidings come to you in the progress of this Sweet Earth as She, and all Her evolutions move ever upward in the Holy Father's Scheme of God Creation. There are already inner Divine Causes set up, waiting to burst through the veil of maya as a manifest expression of God perfection which the Beloved Saint Germain holds for you as well as for succeeding generations.

Have you ever thought what causes motivation? The will to do, the intelligence by which It is done and the Love by which to sustain the manifestation, This was the power utilized for the progression of the Earth and the same activity of motivation can be used to accelerate the cells and atoms of your being; throwing off into the Violet Transmuting Flame all discord, and sustaining and accelerating the power of God, alive within you, rather than allowing your physical vehicle to decline. Think on it!

The motivating power in all life is of a different vibration of course. So-called inanimate matter is impregnated with the consciousness of all who use it, but the motivating power of the cells and atoms of your dear bodies can be regulated and move more rapidly until all human creation is removed, and the Powers of your Holy Christ Flame activated and set free, to bless all life everywhere. Accelerate the vibratory action of those organs and cells which require assistance NOW!! The moment you think of Us, you are with Us and the moment We think of you We are with you. That is truly a power of rapid motivation, is it not?



When the pituitary and pineal glands become attuned (balanced) illumination takes place. When the light expands in the heart it goes to the head and brings about illumination. Quite the reverse of awakening the centers with the intellect. Knowledge of the I AM Presence and Its action in producing results is in many phases of the law a reverse of the old occult law.

The pineal gland is where the light from the Source enters. The energies of the lower centers will rise or be drawn to the heart, throat and head centers. In this new cycle just begun we will work through the centers of the heart, head, and throat. Controlling all through those centers, instead of as in former teachings, by concentration upon the physical organs or the lower centers. We will no longer use the occult way of working to develop and control the life force from the base of the spine up to the top of the head through the seven centers. The lower centers will not be concentrated upon as previously. 


From the Great Elohim of Peace

Given to Morgan Le Fay

“When your Threefold Flame strengthens and begins to pump the Golden Light into your brain, a great process of adjustment of your brain structure begins. Firstly, it floods and enfolds your brain cells, in order to dissolve the grossest substances that numb your brain.

As said, there are seven different levels or densities of matter that make up each of your bodies and each level has seven sublevels, each sublevel also has seven sub-sublevels and so on. Therefore, my beloved children, we are not just talking about the cells detected through a scientific microscope, but about the set of cells of different densities that make up your brain and their correspondence in all your internal bodies.

The purification of the substances that make up your brain can take years or even incarnations, if it depends only on your conscious effort, because to expand the spark within your hearts until it becomes a Pulsating Flame, a huge Momentum of Light must be created, furthermore, it needs to be fed constantly. However, if you attract the attention of an Ascended Master to you, this can be accomplished in a relatively short time.

Not only does your brain need to be cleansed, but also your spine. Many dense patterns and toxic substances accumulate there, for example, residue from alcoholic beverages. The substance generated by alcohol consumption is extremely destructive. It pollutes and obstructs the internal channels that flow within the spinal cord, as well as those leading from it to various parts of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental body. My precious ones, if you knew the damage it causes you, you would never put a drop of alcohol in your body again.

As long as there is no obedience on the part of the student in this matter, in ceasing the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and I mean, completely extinguishing it, an Ascended Master will never assist you in this purification process, as all the energy employed by the Ascended Master in this service of love to you, would be in vain, since with your destructive habit, in a short time, you would again block and numb your brain structure and spinal cord with the same toxic substance.

We wish to give you many clarifications of how things work within your bodies, but we can only do so if there is a continuous effort on the part of a good part of the students to self-correct, educating their outer self in the right direction.

Today I just want to tell you that, until these dense substances are completely purified, the process of adjusting your brain, so that it marries your heart and both begin to work in perfect unity, as just one organ, cannot move on. And only after this process is completed, will your inner eye and ear open to their fullest, like two shining lotuses, connecting you with all spheres and dimensions of Light.



5 N.3, September-October, 29 A.F. (1983)


“There are certain things when taken into the body which leave a substance in the brain. To have the full action of the higher powers thru the outer consciousness; that must be cleared away. In order of importance these are narcotics, alcohol, meat, tobacco and excess ….sugar, salt and strong coffee. (Ed. This does not mean we cannot have a cup of coffee and a piece of cake occasionally, however, it is recommended that narcotics, alcohol, meat & tobacco be avoided – see below for a powerful Decree to help remove any desire for these)

The Masters did say that there had been a few feminine black magicians. One who was very cunning was responsible for the terrible dope condition in America; and also for many other things. January 2, 1938, this one was seized and removed from the earth by the Ascended Masters.

They said, that the greatest menace to the American people was dope. It had made a great inroad in America by the sinister force, in a cunning secret way. The danger of it confronted the young people, who were needed for the incoming Golden Age. Many individuals who pretended to be revealing this nefarious activity were claws of the sinister force and were dispensing it instead.

The use of this poisonous substance opens one whereby the sinister force can seize upon one’s feeling and make him/her unfit to cope with situations as they arise. It has wrecked nations century after century. And such is the  condition in our military.

The Masters sounded warning in the latter 1930’s, about the fiendishness of dope which was being used to try to get its clutches upon the young people, in the cities in America. It was cunningly being used to get the attention and hold power and influence over them. That the depravity impart in the world was the most terrible thing known in history.

About the marijuana weed, in 1938 the Masters said, that it was destructive enough, yet it was the feeder to other things which entirely wreck the feeling world. That these things are substance and not like just a mental activity. When that substance gets anchored in the feeling that individual is

under its possession and claw. The students were warned to not take any such things into their system; because it will subtly and unknowingly begin to act in the feeling world, which then opens that one to the mass accumulation of destructive forces. It destroys the desire for the higher ideals.

Hence thousands are sunk under that nefarious influence. The average individual does not detect it in another. But it can be detected in the eyes by one who is familiar with the effect it produces.

That substance from dope is in the feeling world of the individual and goes forth (from him/her) by the power of radiation. In this manner it enters the feeling world of others, and (in time) can create that same desire in them by which they can be drawn into the use of it and ruin their lives. That is a grave responsibility and heavy karma to pay.

In the forgotten past on Lemuria, China was a land of Light and glory. The downfall came about thru the use of dope imposed upon the people. That same thing is attempted now in America and throughout the world. In China, the destructive forces knowing the mentality of the people;

planted the most nefarious weeds which deaden the human senses. By imposing this daze upon the people’s mind they made steady progress in their degrading activities. No place on earth has it ever been worse than in China. That dazed condition and density developed over a period of many generations. Thru that substance of dope the claws of the sinister force gained a certain dominion over the people then they started to make an inroad into America, the last place on earth where mankind could get its Freedom. 

The substance in marijuana goes directly to the structure of the brain and to a certain point of activity in the feeling world, and here begins the delay action of the brain. It produces a lethargy, and in continued use of it, it will saturate the atomic structure. The cause must be removed before the effect will disappear.

All who use it or deal with it are just a pawn of the sinister force. The dark forces make them think they are getting benefit and that it helps them have out-of-the-body experiences, which it can but they contact the psychic and not the Divine. They are deluded and self-deceived. It is only a crutch.”


Essential Daily Application


The Transmuting Violet Flame


Cleansing the four lower bodies

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The Law of Divine Service


The Law of Forgiveness


Protection and Faith


The Rhythmic Breath


Chakra Centres in the body


Expanding the Crown on our forehead


Initiations of the Seven Rays







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Diet & our physical bodies


CO-CREATING with the Angelic & Elemental Kingdoms


Sustaining the 'Law of Harmony' is essential


Colours - understanding & use