
some divine experiences in indonesia



Many messages and visions, and some physical manifestations,  have been given to Norman (and a few to other chelas in the Good Hope Sanctuary) over the years. On 22nd September 2012, we received our first message from The Great Divine Director related to our service in The Good Hope Sanctuary, Cape Town, South Africa.

The notices are from the Ascended Masters, in particular The One known as ‘The Great Divine Director”  (Lord Saithru).   Many messages have been specifically for the Good Hope Sanctuary, but also many that apply to ALL the people of the world –  and we will share the ones that we are permitted to share in a new link soon.

We are not given long dictations, and only sparingly are we given information that encourages us to ‘go within’ as we are told …”therein lies our Victory” and the answers and direction we are seeking!  The messages are only given if it is necessary, and always require US to decipher and use our own inner guidance in the understanding of the meaning.

At our request, we have been given the Retreats open for the monthly Transmission Flame Services, the Thought-form, Symbol, and the Sponsor for the year, since January 2013.


19th August 2012
Beloved Norman Blyth, lived in Johannesburg, South Africa when he had these Divine experiences .  He wrote his experiences at the request of others.  Norman is a BELOVED, gentle, extremely humble, unassuming man, who has no personal ambition what so ever. He lives to serve God and expand the Light and this is very evident when you meet Norman.  He always points out very quickly that the messages are nothing to do with him, which is true, he is a messenger!


Norman’s experience:

“These are the actual amazing experiences I have been honoured to experience. I am writing this as it actually happened with all honesty. It all started in July 2009, I had been experiencing a very emotional period in my life, so decided to take the easy way out and took sleeping tablets on a Friday night to end it all. I will leave the sordid tales out and continue.

Once again in my bed two nights later on the Sunday, I went to sleep and at 2.00 am the following morning was awakened by a voice calling my name, “Norman, Norman, Norman”. On opening my eyes I saw a man sitting on the side of my bed dressed in a white garment with beautiful golden hair down to his shoulders looking at me, he had his hand on my chest.

I cannot tell you what his face looked like as he had the most divine eyes I have ever seen which completely captivated my attention, they emitted such love and kindness. I fell in love with the person behind them.

I was filled with the most amazing feeling of absolute peace, love and calmness, he then spoke to me without opening his mouth, he spoke straight into my mind, and said, “My Name is ‘I AM WHO I AM,’ I want you to go to a man called Brent who is a man of the lord and who walks in the Light, he will show you my name in the scriptures.”

I had no clue who he was talking about as I had never heard the name ‘I AM WHO I AM’ before. He then told me he was going to show me a moving picture of my life but first wanted me to answer a question.

I was asked to think back to 5th of August 2005 and tell him what happened that day. I told him I was involved in a serious car accident. A getaway vehicle involved in a robbery drove straight into my driver’s door at an estimated speed of 140 km per hour; the impact moved my solid SUV, (which weighed approximately 2.5 tones ) 15 meters sideways.

It took one and a half hours to remove me from the vehicle. All I remember was seeing a red object out of the corner of my right eye and woke up in the ambulance. My wife thought I had died as I was foaming at the mouth as I had been thrown between the two front seats and looked dead.

‘I AM’ told me I had passed through the vale called ‘death’ and that He had stopped me on my way to what we call ‘heaven,’ and asked me if I would help him to assist someone. He told me he came from the 7th Gate of which there are 7.  On my acceptance and promise to help, he placed me back into the body I had just vacated moments ago whilst it still lay inside the car.

The amazing thing was that even though it had been a horrific accident where both vehicles were destroyed the only injuries were to my neck and ribs, which were completely healed within a day or so. I remember remarking to my wife that there was someone in the car with me that night.

I asked him why he had asked me to assist him, as I did not attend church every Sunday and did not read the Bible. Furthermore, I was just a normal person who was not special in any way. I added that I had attended spiritual church now and again, and had been able to see spirit beings since the age of 7.
His answer was, “What Am I? “I AM” Spirit, and it was not important that I did not go to church as the most important thing was the relationship between him and me, and that I had never missed one night to pray to him and that he listened. I still did not realize who he was.

He then showed me a ‘movie’ of my entire life and said that I would have seen it when standing in front of the Karmic Board as every human being after passing through the veil called ‘death’ is taken to stand before the Karmic Board and is shown a moving picture of all previous incarnations and that is the reason why he was showing it to me now, the only difference was that it only contained the incarnation just completed.

He also told me that he had stopped me taking all the tablets as I tried to break a promise to him and I had never broken a promise before in my entire life, and he was so correct because to my knowledge I had not.

He then said to me, you may profess what you have witnessed and wished me ‘adieu,’ and slowly disappeared from my sight after giving me his Love and Blessings.
The next day I wrote an sms to the only Brent I knew, and who happened to be my sister’s brother in law, he is a lay preacher in the Methodist church.

He had officiated at my wedding a few years previously. I was apprehensive as he is such a holy man who loves God so much, and I thought he would just laugh at me and tell me I needed to be admitted to an asylum! But to my surprise he told me to come that evening at 7pm and he would listen to my story.

We were sitting in his lounge having a cup of tea when I started telling him what had happened and when I told him the man who had sat on my bed had said his name was “I AM WHO I AM” he got up and left the room. I thought that I had insulted him, but he returned with his Bible under his arm and showed me the reading of Moses on the mountain where the Voice in the burning bush said to Moses when he had asked, that Its name was “I AM WHO I AM” and that “I AM God.”

I must admit my emotions took control and I started crying because I felt so honored that he had chosen to come to such a humble man as myself, Brent and Lyn also joined me and we had a good hug and the tears flowed until our shirts were wet with the tears of joy. Brent told me this was the proof he had been waiting for his whole life.

I started trying to meditate after that, as I wanted to see that Divine Being again so much. A month later my ex girl-friend who is still my friend to this day, suggested we go to the Buddhist Monastery near us as they had a beginners meditation course in August.

On the first Sunday morning we walked to the Zen gardens a short walk away to do a walking and music meditation there. During the music meditation I started seeing beautiful colours in a cone shape blazing out before me and one formed a beautiful blue screen, and what appeared in the center of it, but the same face of the Divine Being that had appeared on my bed that early morning! I recognized his face but as hard as I try, I cannot visualize it to be able to describe Him. All I can say is that He looked translucent and was glowing as if there was a spotlight behind Him.

He told me that he would show me the pictures on covers of three “DVD,s” without any writing on them, and I was to purchase them in the order he showed them to me, and I was to view them in the same order and after viewing the first one I was to give it to my lady friend as she needed to see something in it.

(He told me my friend was the person who I was to assist, and that she was a fallen angel who had incarnated to restore her values and morals). My service was to say certain things to her to trigger her memory. I was told to tell her to look on the Internet and type in ‘Saint Francis of Rome’, which I did, and was told that that had been her last incarnation. After reading it she responded in her own words. . . . “That is me!”

It is amazing! If that is not proof what is? She is the sister-in-charge of the retirement village where my mother is a resident. It is wonderful to observe what happens when she approaches the elderly residents; they lighten up and just gaze up at her with such love in their eyes. I do not want to encroach on her free will so will not divulge any further.

After the course I returned home and upon waking the next morning felt so lonely and decided to go to the East Rand Mall for breakfast, as it was a public holiday. When I finished my meal I decided to walk around the Mall, and as I walked outside CUM Book Store, my legs would not move and The Voice in my head told me to enter the shop. (I just want to mention, the Voice I hear is heard by me as if it is blazed into my brain and is as clear as listening to someone through a telephone, and it started the day after my visitation in my bedroom).

I entered the shop and to my amazement the first DVD I saw was the first picture he had shown me, it was ABRAHAM, on the rack next to that I saw the second picture which was THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and on the next rack was the third picture, FAITH LIKE POTATOES. The pictures were in the exact order he had shown to me during the meditation.

As soon as I got home I watched Abraham and when Abraham was washed away in the flash flood, he was woken up in exactly way I had been, with a voice calling out his name, and his faith was tested as had been mine, when told to sacrifice his beloved son. I then watched the Ten Commandments and there was the voice calling out of the burning bush telling Moses that its name was, ‘I AM WHO I AM’ and ‘I AM God.’

The third DVD, ‘Faith like Potatoes,’ was all about faith and it was proof for me, that during my troubles I had heard the voice telling me to have faith and all would be ok. I have been given proof of everything he told me, how can anyone not believe there is a God!

A few days after this my friend told me she had attended a meeting at her friend’s home and they had been told about ‘I AM.’ She was fascinated as I had told her about my visitation by ‘I AM.’ She gave me the AMTF web address and after reading a few things I ordered three books, and shortly after another three. I was never an avid reader, but when I started reading the books I cried more than I read. It was as if I was being triggered by what I was reading.

At my first ‘I AM Workshop’ hosted by Beloved Anthea in October 0f 2011, Anthea suggested I read, “I AM Discourses” Volume 3 (this I believe was Divinely guided). I purchased the book, plus a few others. I Am now the proud owner of 23 ‘I AM’ Books from both the AMTF and Saint Germaine Press, which are White and Green in colour and a great deal of them through Beloved Anthea.

For some reason I did not feel drawn to read the ‘Discourses Vol. 3’ book, so read the others first. By the beginning of March 2012, my company had been liquidated, but I still went to the factory for three weeks at 6 30 am every morning, as was my habit, and just sat there enjoying the peace and tranquility. On the third Sunday afternoon after the closing I heard the Voice telling me to take the “I AM Discourses” Book 3 to work on the Monday but was not to read it until instructed to do so.

Nothing happened on Monday or Tuesday, but at 8 am on Wednesday morning I felt a Presence about me and heard the Voice loud and clear saying it was ‘I AM,’ and I was to be given a Blessing, if by my own free will and choice, I was willing to make two promises. If that was acceptable to me, He would be permitted to continue.

He first explained the reason why my company was placed in its position. He told me that it was necessary for me to be brought into a situation where I was able to be peaceful to receive the Divine Blessing. He also explained that I had learned the lessons of Humility, as this was the most humbling thing ever in my life, and the lessons of Losing my ego and pride were necessary.

He also pointed out to me that there had been no customers, no telephone calls, no hawkers or anyone at the gate for three weeks until 12 o’clock midday, which was totally true! He explained this was done on purpose to get me to relax and become peaceful.

He then told me that I should start to read the book after the Blessing which would take two hours and that I would find every word he told me during the Blessing in the book “I AM Discourses” Volume 3 (I have since found every single thing he told me written in the book). The Blessing appeared to me to be only a few minutes. When I looked at my watch it had been 2 hours long. He then asked me to think back to that early morning when he woke me, and asked whether the light was on or not. I answered that it was on.

He then asked if I had put it on. I had not thought about it before, but realized that I had not switched it on and told him so. He then told me that the room had been Illuminated by God’s Divine Light and that to tell all my friends and loved ones to never meditate or pray in the dark, only in the Light. The light had been a beautiful soft and gentle glow in the room like no other light I had ever experienced before.

The two promises were, firstly; that I was never from that moment on to utter an untruth again as every one comes back to the person who spoke the untruth for redemption because of the Law of the Circle and that no one in the universe can hide from it, and that the truth hurts, but sets you free.

The second was as follows: He first asked if it was true that I had my whole life looked for love, and had looked for it outside of myself? This I affirmed was true, he then asked if I had ever thought of looking into the “Threefold Flame in my Heart” to see what lived inside it.

I did just that, and to my amazement saw this beautiful absolutely Perfect Glowing translucent young Being inside my own heart surrounded by the most magnificent Light I have ever seen and It was Radiating such incredible Love. Looking back I realise that ‘I AM’ made it possible for me to see inside my heart, because to this day I have not been able to see inside my heart as hard as I try or I meditate on it. From that moment I have not felt at all lonely and enjoy being at home alone with my ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ knowing the Love I have been seeking for my whole life is inside me and I Am at One with it.

He then explained that true Divine Love is from the heart upwards and that everything below the heart is only lust, which is of human creation, and if I were prepared to promise, of my own free will and volition, from that moment onwards, to only practice Divine Love, he would be permitted by Law, to continue with the Blessing. I willingly made both promises, which I have gratefully and lovingly kept to this day.

I then felt myself being enveloped gently by a beautiful loving Divine Presence and suddenly every cell and atom and nerve in my body felt as if it was filled and alive with ‘amazing electricity’, I don’t know how else to describe it, when the feeling had subsided, He told me I had been given a great Blessing by the Law of Forgiveness and unless I allowed it, I would from that moment never have discord in my life again, and to this day have never had any.

I have now absolute faith in My “Mighty I AM Presence,” it has been the most amazing experience in my entire life I have truly been Blessed by God, I am truly such a very, very lucky and Blessed man indeed, and feel such immense thanks, Love and Gratitude toward the Mighty Divine Beings who Love us so much and who have brought me back into proudly walking in Gods Light forever.
God Bless. Norman



13th December 2022 

During the midnight hours of the 13th December 2022, I awakened round about 2 am in excruciating chest pains. I was admitted to hospital shortly after. The results of X-rays and ECG indicated that I had had a severe heart attack.  I was told by the staff that the heart was so enlarged that it could not fit on the X-ray screen!

During the morning a lady doctor came to me in the cubicle, and she had an extraordinary aura about her and an angelic way.  I felt a lot of love coming from her, which was most unusual!

She said she was going to dissolve the blockage using two chemicals, and there was a 2% possibility of bleeding on the brain or in the body. I agreed to go ahead with the procedure.

A nursing sister then inserted needles with pipes into my wrists which were connected to a stainless steel tower standing at the back of the bed in the cubicle. The liquid started pumping through the pipes into my wrists. I have no recollection of time, but the doctors voice started to get fainter and fainter until I could hear it no longer. It sounded as if her voice was coming from the top of my head, and then there was this incredible silence that I entered into.  It was like nothing I have ever experienced before, and the feeling I got was complete comfort, peace and an over-all feeling of something totally Divine! I can only image this is what people feel when they pass over to the ‘other side’.

I was later told that I lost consciousness and apparently started to leave my physical body. It was then that the doctor instructed the nurse to fetch the defibrillator which was standing behind the stainless steel tower.  The nurse responded to the doctors request saying that this room did not have such machine.  The doctor then apparently told her again to fetch the machine, and when the nurse looked, there it was, fully charged behind the stainless steel tower!  It was used to resuscitate me and the doctor told the nurse that it was important as without this I would definitely experience bleeding on the brain. This happened twice during the procedure.

After this another scan was taken of my heart, and it showed that the blockage has completely dissolved and the heart had returned to its normal size!  I no longer felt any pain, and actually felt very well! 

After this, the doctor left and said to the nurse she would be back later. She never returned, and when I asked one of the other nurses where she was, the nurse replied that she didn’t know of that doctor, and had never seen her working at the hospital before!

I was visited by another doctor and told him about the treatment I had received, and asked if it was always so successful.  The doctor replied that he had never ever heard of such a procedure, and that it had never been used in that hospital before!  I later heard the nurses down the passage discussing the events, with some incredulity! 

And so it was truly a Divine experience for me, and I was discharged the following day, much to everyone’s astonishment!  

When the chelas asked about the doctor, The Great Divine Director gave me this message, “The Doctor is a Mighty Angel from the Temple of Divine Love, and She has come to teach the medical profession other avenues.”

