The colour black does not relate in any way to the colour of one's skin and in truth darker-skinned people are NOT black at all, they just have a darker brown skin! Some with darker skins come from Asia and some from Africa and other parts of the world. 

We have all had 100’s of lifetimes, and no doubt over these many, many incarnations, we have come in as ALL the different skin colours, nationalities, creeds, cultures etc. :)

We have certainly come in as both male and female many times!


By the Ascended Master Saint Germain


The different vibratory action of the various colors is a subject in itself. Suffice it to say that the colored spheres that surround the I AM Presence and form the spiritual aura, or causal body, are representative of the natural color vibration of the Seven Spheres.

Each individual on the planet has proceeded from one particular ray and his archetype or presence dwells in the particular sphere to which he belongs. It must be under-stood, however, that this individualized presence is not con- fined to any sphere, but may visit any one of them, at will.

The unascended individual will respond most favorably to the color which is representative of his particular ray. If he is in doubt as to the ray or sphere to which he belongs, he may, through contemplation of his habits and tendencies and through meditation on his own I AM Presence, find the answer. He will also find that he is almost irresistibly drawn to a certain color, which may be taken as an added confirma-tion of his ray and sphere.

As the outpouring from the Godhead emphasizes the color and ray of each successive sphere in the course of the seven days of the week, when the individual knows the ray to which he belongs, he will usually find his vital forces more stimulated on the day when the color and radiation of his ray and sphere are honored by the cosmic light.

The vestments, which are to be incorporated into the rituals of the future, will be designed to emphasize these particular daily outpourings, as well as any specific power of the activity of the Sacred Fire which is being utilized for


No one on this Earth need ever expect health, prosperity, protection or happiness if that ones insists on wearing black or red clothing (bright red as opposed to pinky ruby red). There are absolutely no Life, health, nor prosperity vibrations in black, for it is the absence of all Life.

When the Ascended Masters make this statement, people often say, “Well what about the darkness of night provided by nature for sleep?” The real truth is, the actual colour vibration of the night hours is not black, it is dark blue, and blue is always an energizing vibration.

The red of this planet has nothing constructive in it for our humanity. All red on this planet is a record of impurity, and when that impurity is removed the colour instantly becomes gold! The colour vibration for all humanity is gold.

Anyone can test this out. When fire is burning, the colour of the flame indicates the amount of impurity in the substance being burned. For instance, when the leaves and debris of nature are thrown into the fire, the flame becomes golden, except when they have become contaminated by impurities imposed upon them by the discord of human beings. The red in all physical fire is the impurity being consumed.

Notice how even the outer world’s use of the colour red is always to indicate destruction. Even in the stoplights and danger signals, the red always means destruction, both physical and moral. It is imperative that humanity understands this in order to stop the use of that rate of vibration, which destroys all that the people are really trying to accomplish.

Students should especially understand this. Whatever colour surrounds them, they are absorbing into their minds, feelings, bodies and worlds.

Everyone absorbs through his eyes the quality of every colour he looks at; and through his eyes, that quality is recorded in his flesh, through the optic nerve which goes directly to the stomach through the sympathetic nervous system. This is very evident when one waves a red flag at a bull, which the toreador does to arouse all the destructive qualities within the animal.