

An Exercise Recommended By Ascended Master Neptune

(excerpt from ELECTRONS & THE ELEMENTAL KINGDOM complied by Werner Schroeder from the Bridge to Freedom material)

Early in your instruction, the beloved Saint Germain gave you a daily exercise which would be of tremendous assistance to you, if you were to use it. It is as follows:

Before retiring at night, stand in your room and give the following decree:

“Mighty I AM Presence and Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Neptune, blaze the Transmuting Violet Flame into action, through and around me, in a circle nine feet in diameter.”

Raising your hands to your I AM Presence, say: “Mighty I AM Presence and Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Neptune, qualify those hands with the purifying power of the Violet Flame.” (3 times)

Then, starting at the head, pass your hands down over your body to the feet, taking in as much of the body surface as you can reach with the hands. Now, with the left hand, sweep down over the right shoulder, arm and hand. Now, with the right hand, give the left shoulder, arm and hand the same treatment. Then shake your hands from the wrist as if you were throwing some unclean substance into the surrounding violet fire. Do this 7 times.

What is the purpose of this exercise, and what happens when it is performed? Saint Germain has said that if you could see with the inner sight what takes place in the first part of the exercise, it is as though a close-fitting garment of black substance were being removed from the body with the hands. The second time you go over the body the “garment” _removed is of a dark grey substance, the third time, it is of a lighter grey color, and so on. Night after night, as you proceed with the exercise, this astral substance, WHICH HAS COLOR, VIBRATION AND FEELING, gets lighter and lighter in color and texture. Finally, it is entirely removed from the body and actual purification takes place.


💜⚡️I AM Discourses


EXCERPT DISCOURSE BOOK 8 - XI: “The various habits of mankind which have made the

brain structure dense, must be discontinued. They are alcoholic beverages, narcotics and smoke. Smoke is worse than other kinds of use of tobacco in that respect; for the smoke penetrates the fine cells of the brain; and if beloved mankind knew what inhaling smoke did, the people certainly

never would do it the second time. These qualities Individuals have drawn into themselves from the appearance world; by the activity of the sinister force, who wanted to make the brain so dense, that mankind could not receive the Divine Direction from the Presence.

Another activity is the waste of the sex energy, which

draws from the brain, the Illuminating Power which would cause it to vibrate more rapidly. Then, the density comes also from meat in the system. Too much starch also makes it dense. Those are the five particular activities, which have created greater density in the brain structure of mankind;

to prevent it vibrating rapidly enough, to receive clearly

and definitely from the Higher Mental Body, whatever

would set the people Free, like that.....”