What is the Sacred Fire (Spiritual Light)?
Excerpt from ‘The Guru & the Chela’ By Beloved Lord Kuthumi
"The intelligence, using the WAND of POWER - which is his own feeling world - charges that primal life with peace, purity, healing, love, opulence, strength, wisdom and all God-Qualities ... And the primal life, consciously charged by the directing Intelligence, takes on the color and sound of the quality invoked and the vibratory rate of that quality, and becomes the Sacred Fire. It is that simple".
The Seven Major Light Rays
Excerpt from: LAW OF LIFE ENLIGHTENER – ADK Luk (V.9 N.3, September-October, 33 A.F. (1987)
“In this Teaching, thru the knowledge of the Seven Rays, their colors, qualities, actions and which Beings were on each Ray, students were enabled to wield powers of an adept.
In the future healing is to be done thru the use of Light Rays. Thru the decrees based on the knowledge and application of The Word (I AM), and knowing one’s I AM Presence, is how these accomplishments were attained.”
Bridge to Freedom – ‘THE WISDOM OF THE AGES’ – Volume 2 – Ascended Master Kuthumi:.
“The sum and substance of this Truth is: To create as God creates, you must STILL YOURSELF and raise your self into a state of consciousness which is ONE with that of the Ascended Host, until your being is impregnated with the Knowledge, the Belief and the Active Realization that there is no power opposed to God; that manifestation must proceed from Cosmic Cause, and you are not an individual separated from God, attempting to draw by human will something from the Cosmic, but that you are the Great Creator Himself – Calm, Serene, Dispassionate, Victorious, with nothing to overcome but merely through the Joy of Creation, invoking the Light Rays, coalescing the electrons and PRECIPITATING the Divine Manifestations!
The Cosmic Flame of Patience!
“Beloved friends, tonight it is my opportunity and joy—my privilege and honor—to project into your consciousness the QUALITY OF ENERGY which is within my Flame!
What is Flame? And why does mankind shy from that word?
Flame is but a concentrate of life energy which has been qualified by some Intelligence, to act in a specific manner—a concentrate of energy qualified by the feeling-world of some self-conscious Intelligence to act in a specific manner. As that energy—magnetized, draw, and concentrated—is CHARGED and CHARGED with a specific feeling, it becomes a FLAME which can and will enter into the energies and world of anyone who chooses to use it.
Now, the quality which I offer tonight to mankind, to elemental life, to imprisoned angels and to the planet itself is PATIENCE—the COSMIC FLAME OF COSMIC PATIENCE. Can you accept it in its fullness? Think it through!”
The First Ray
has a White centre surrounded by ELECTRIC OR brilliant SAPPHIRE BLUE – it represents the First Ray of God’s Will, Strength, Power and Protection. From this Ray we can draw power, the capacity to lead people, and manifest energy to accomplish any constructive service, as well as the Illumined FAITH and PROTECTION of Beloved Archangel Michael & Beloved Faith, and the STRENGTH of Beloved Elohim Hercules Beloved Amazon. Chohan or Lord of the First Ray is the Ascended Master El Morya, whose retreat is in the etheric octave over Darjeeling, India. The day that this Ray is most predominant on Earth is Sunday.
The Second Ray,
is the Ray of wisdom, perception, discrimination and illumination vibrates in the colour spectrum of GOLDEN YELLOW. It is the focus of illumination, the “illumined action” of God. We can draw inspiration for all educational and ‘religious’ endeavours from this Ray. The Chohan or Lord of the Second Ray is the Ascended Master Dwal Kul and his twin Ray Lady Luk; the Retreat is in the etheric realm over the Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The Archangel of this Ray is Jophiel & Beloved Constance, and the Elohim in charge of this Ray is Cassiopeia and Minerva. The second Ray day is Monday.
The Third Ray
is the Ray of The Pure Divine Love of God, the very essence of consummation of Oneness in the Holy Spirit. It is the ‘glue’ of the Universe. Tolerance, harmony, compassion and adoration are also attributes of this Ray. Through this Ray whose spectrum is from the PINK we can draw all the LOVE we require for our altruistic endeavours and for our use in our daily living to bring about tolerance and understanding, as well as the love from the Beloved Archangel Chamuel and Beloved Charity. The great Elohim Orion and Beloved Angelica. The Chohan or Lord of the Third Ray is the Beloved Lady Rowena, who receives her disciples in this retreat, the Chateau de Liberte, which is over southern France. The third Ray day is Tuesday.
The Fourth Ray
is the Ray of the Purity of God, Resurrection and Ascension, it is ultimately our way back home; it’s FLAME IS PURE WHITE. Like all the Flames, this White Flame is intelligent and can be called into action to ‘Ascend’ any distressing condition in our outer world to be resurrected into a state of peace, happiness and harmony. The colour white embodies all of the rays; and therefore, ultimately, the disciplines of each of the seven rays, bringing one to this doorway, to the ascension, the soul’s eternal liberation.
We can draw from this band inspiration as artists, sculptors, writers, architects, as well as the limitless help to accelerate our way back home. The Chohan or Lord of the Fourth Ray is the Ascended Master Serapis Bey, whose retreat is the Ascension Temple in the etheric plane over Luxor, Egypt and a Mighty focus is now above Long Island NY. The Archangel is Gabriel and Beloved Archaii Hope, we can call on him to assist us to hold the immaculate concept and we can call to the great Elohim Clair and Beloved Lady Astrea, to help us maintain purity in our lives, Elohim Clair, also known as ‘Purity’. The day is Wednesday.
The Fifth Ray
is the GREEN RAY of Truth, Healing, Concentration and Consecration and the Science of God. It is a ray of abundance, which vibrates in the colour spectrum as Light bright emerald green. Scientists, doctors, healers, mathematicians and musicians draw from this ray in their pursuit of scientific mastery of the self and of the planes of Spirit and matter on this Ray.
This they do this through a quest for truth in every discipline, including the healing arts. The fifth Ray is the means whereby those who require the logic of the logos can find their way back to the Christ consciousness, back to their God-design or Divine plan. The Chohan or Lord of the Fifth Ray is the Ascended Master Hilarion, whose retreat is the Temple of Truth on the etheric plane over the island of Crete. The Archangel is Raphael & Beloved Mother Mary and the Elohim is Vista (Cyclopea) and Lady Crystal. The day is Thursday.
The Sixth Ray
is the Ray of John the Beloved - formerly Beloved Ascended Lady Master Nada, and before that, the Beloved Master Jesus, who has now taken the office of World Teacher together with Lord Kuthumi. This Ray represents the attributes of Peace, Grace and the Ministration of God. The Sixth Ray has a frequency in the spectrum of RUBY AND GOLD. This Ray is the path of those who minister in the energies of peace to the evolutions of earth as counsellors and comforters in every walk of life.
From this Ray we draw forth our COMFORT and PEACE. The inner vow of those who serve on this Ray is “I AM my brother’s keeper,” and their soul motto is “He that would be great among you, let him be the servant of all.” Lady Nada is aligned with Temple of Illumination located over lake Titicaca in Peru, South America. Beloved Nada achieved her Ascension seven hundred years before Jesus, and has built up a tremendous momentum in the use of the Pink Flame of Divine Love. She is Hierarch of the Temple of Transfiguration in the etheric above Mt Meru Tanzania. The Archangel of the sixth Ray is Uriel and Donna Grace, and the Elohim is Peace Tranquillity and Minerva. The day is Friday.
The Seventh Ray,
has a frequency on the spectrum of Violet, it is the ray of Freedom, Invocation, Mercy, Rhythm, Purification and Transmutation, and the Forgiveness of God through the alchemy of the Violet Fire of Mercy. It is the way of freedom of the soul, and through the use of this Violet Fire we will achieve our Ascension. From this band we draw the Violet Consuming Fire of forgiveness to purify others and ourselves.
Beloved Saint Germain, who is known as the ‘God of Freedom’ to the earth, is the Master or Chohan of this Ray, which is now the predominate Ray for the next 2000 years. Saint Germain has retreats both in Europe over Transylvania, and in the Cave of Symbols in Table Mountain of the Grand Teton Range, Wyoming and at Mount Shasta, California. The Archangel of this Ray is Zadkiel &Beloved Amethyst, and the Elohim is Lord Arcturus & Holy Diana. The day is Saturday.
learn more about the 7 rays - ONLINE COURSE:
BRIDGE TO FREEDOM - Bulletin Book 1 page 327
Beloved Maha Chohan June 12, 1955
Beloved Children of the One Father,
“Consciousness” is a word that has muddled the minds of metaphysical students almost since the beginning of time by its vagueness of expression, yet every lifestream in and out of the flesh, and every perfected being in God's Kingdom, is but a “state of consciousness.”
It is a very simple and clear expression, when carefully thought through and understood. WHAT YOU ARE CONSCIOUS OF IS YOUR STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS. The man who is conscious only of the physical body and the appetites and passions of the senses, lives in the state of consciousness of the animal-man, or what is called the BODY CONSCIOUSNESS. The whole purpose of evolution is to develop a GODLY state of consciousness, in which the individual is only aware of that which is true and good and eternal.
When you come under the direction of the Spiritual Hierarchy, beloved ones, we begin to feed your consciousness, just as you would feed a very young mammal with a “medicine dropper,” and IF THE MIND IS OPEN TO NEW IDEAS, THE CONSCIOUSNESS BEGINS TO WIDEN. For instance, you are aware now that there are other spiritual beings who are interested in man's spiritual progress besides the Master Jesus, you are aware of the activities of the Sacred Fire provided by life for the undoing of your misdeeds, and the Sacred Fire of Mercy, which can be invoked to change your human qualities. Thus, the students under this activity have undergone an enlargement of consciousness, in their awareness of a broader and truer vision of the universe and, to use an earthly phrase, have learned to understand “what makes it tick.”
An Address By Beloved Zarathustra
BRIDGE TO FREEDOM – Journal Book 4 – Page 265
Royal Teton, July 8, 1954
Note: Each of the priests of the Order of Zarathustra carries the name “Zarathustra.” The Order embodies the spirit of the Fire Element of the Great Central Sun. (See part 2)
“Hail, oh spirits of fire from the Heart of God, thou who walk the pathway of life, I, ZARATHUSTRA, priest of the sacred fire from the heart of the Central Sun, have been summoned by your light!
I stood before the Karmic Board and at thy direction I have come forth to speak directly to you who have applied, from within the recesses of your innermost being, for a knowledge in the use of the powers of the sacred fire, that sacred fire which is the master element in every sphere where it is active, that sacred fire which, focused through the temples, is now the master control and balance within every one of the seven spheres but which up to this point, in the physical appearance world, has been guarded, guided, protected and secluded within the retreats of the Ascended Masters!
Essential Lessons by The Ascended Masters
Originally compiled by Werner Schroeder from the AMTF - with Love and Gratitude. This books has good lessons on each of the 7 Major Rays
AEOLUS, THE COSMIC HOLY SPIRIT - Divine Consciousness (Excerpts - 1967)
Excerpt from Ascended Master Love and Truth, Vol. II
The State of Consciousness in which a man lives determines how much happiness or unhappiness he knows during his sojourn upon the Earth Plane. There are no two beings unascended who live in the same state of consciousness constantly.
Unascended beings meet and enter the same sphere of consciousness at a lecture, in schools and churches, and for a time rub shoulders, but return again into the wheel and sphere of their individual consciousness evolved through the centuries. Within these material Spiral Forms; they bounce like a rubber ball through the course of a day; plunge into darkness; are raised by temporary exaltation; explode in anger or fear; and so on - sometimes passing through a hundred states of consciousness in the course of an eight hour period.
A wonderful ‘Consciousness Class’ complied by Beloved Chela Mickey:
By Beloved Lord Maitreya:
The first is the Parent-Child Association adoration and solicitude of the parent for the infant and the child's affection and deification of the parent, whose model and example it chooses to deify. The majority of the human race lives within this phase of development.
Second: Friendship, which consists of the interchange of consciousness; the enjoyment of association and the conveyance of more or less loyalty and affection, according to the development of the lifestream; Each one pursuing his individual path and allowing the strength of his love to go forth only in time of crisis.
Third: The individuals who choose to utilize their love, their association, their talents and their consciousness in progressive service to the race. Here you have a very small percentage of the race
Lord Maitreya – Bridge to Spiritual Freedom
Beloved Maha Chohan speaks
March 7, 1954 (Bulletin 1:213-14)
Beloved Children,
A question that is often asked is, “What is consciousness?”
A man's consciousness is comprised of that of which he is aware, or has been acquainted with through the experiences of life. The outer world divides the consciousness into the SUB-CONSCIOUS, wherein is contained the experiences of the past, and which is sometimes buried deep within the nature, the CONSCIOUS, which comprises the experiences of the present, and the SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS, or higher unfoldment, toward which man is striving.
The students, as well as the average man, are constantly enlarging their sphere of conscious knowledge through every-day experience, from the time of birth until the end of their embodiment. A child of two has not the consciousness of the grown man, and the experiences, education, and instruction of childhood make him aware of a great deal more in the universe than his infant mind could comprehend.
Beloved Lord Gautama & Beloved Luzar
Maracaibo, Venezuela
South America Seminar - Assimilation Class - December 2, 1984
Bridge to Spiritual Freedom
I greet you in your own elevated consciousness and vibration of love. I come to you this morning on a Ray of Light from Shamballa; Light Rays from the very Planetary Three-fold Flame itself that ignite within your forcefield as a beautiful Three-fold Flame. I speak to you from within that Flame.
I bring you the Blessings of the Cosmic Holy Spirit from Shamballa and the planetary Dove whose wingspread enfolds Long Island with great Light this morning. Truly this morning it is a White Isle of Light. I bring you the greetings of the great Maitreya, our Lord Buddha and Cosmic Christ. I bring you the Love of My own guru, the Ancient of Days, our Lord of Love, Sanat Kumara. And I place before you the path of Buddhic Consciousness, for those who master the initiations of the Christ! I have been in your forcefield through this class for there is an important planetary service given through you this morning. I shall allow beloved Luzar to explain this to you. I shall remain within the Three-fold Flame radiating the Cosmic Quality of Balance, so necessary for this planet, into the powerful Force known as 'El Rayo del Catatumbo'. So I present to you now, the great Being whose name is Light!...Luzar.
Greetings beloved co-servers in My service to life on this planet. It is a privilege to have our Lord of the World among us here at the Focus of the Catatumbo Ray. Our Lord of the World has asked that I explain to you the mighty service given this day. It is important that the chelas understand thoroughly the purpose of the Catatumbo Ray. It has been explained to you previously as a kind of Divine Electricity. Just as on your planet there are certain instruments and activities that require electricity so they may give their service, so does the Catatumbo Ray empower certain activities on this planet with the Force and Authority of God according to the Divine Plan. It allows these activities to be energized and thus have their effects in the world of humankind... to be made evident in humanity's affairs.
I work closely with the mighty Polaris and Magnus and the Light radiating from Venus, Uranus, Mars and Saturn, in the physical balancing of this planet. The physical manifestations of the Catatumbo Ray, are like those of Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis at the poles of this planet. These are Rays of subatomic particles which the theoretical physicists are only beginning to understand. They carry a certain Cosmic Charge and behave in a way that defy the laws presently known to science. You have some great physicists in embodiment and the Truth shall be fully known. We also work closely with the Sceptre in Quito, Ecuador, the Center of the World Monument, in the physical balancing of this planet. Here great Cosmic Forces coalesce, under the watchful supervision of the Deva Rajahs and Ascended Beings.
Discourse XXV December 25, 1932 pgs. 287 - 292
Beloved Lady Nada speaks:
How beautiful this day always seems to Us in the Consciousness conveyed to humanity—representing that birth of the Christ Activity in all mankind; and to the students who have become aware of what the use of the “I AM Presence” means to them in setting into motion Love and Intelligence to do their bidding, according to their direction of that Limitless Power.
So long individuals have wondered how to attain the Christ Consciousness. The first mighty step is in the recognition of the “Great I AM Presence,” God dwelling in you. The second step is in the use of that “I AM Presence,” for when you say “I AM,” with the understanding of what It means, you have then and there entered into the Christ Consciousness.
It does not mean you immediately express the fullness of that Christ Consciousness, for you must first know where you are going and what you wish to do before you can accomplish it.
Pg. 61 ‘Dictations by The Ascended Masters’
By Paul the Venetian
(Thank You to Geraldine Innocente – 1953)
The correct understanding of the God-Power Almighty is essential for the individual who wishes to become the Holy Christ Sprit in action. This fact I would like to impress upon the chela on the path.
Energy is man’s to command. Energy becomes power through use, whether in the wielding of a sledge hammer, or the strengthening of the biceps of the arm or in using the God-Power Almighty to build a momentum of Victory in Commanding the Electronic Light to manifest the completed form of fiat or decree.
The Law of Balance, also referred to as “The Law of Retribution” and set forth in the old axiom, “As you sow, so shall you reap,” was not intended as a threat of punishment for evil-doers, but as an expression of the mathematical precision of Life – that one must sow the seed of perfection in concise mathematical accuracy and that the reaping will be in exact proportion to the sowing.
This Law has been dulled in its potency by the inference that if one casts his bread upon the water, his good will be returned unto him. This is true, of course, but it is a rather haphazard way of living as the “bread” one throws has no definite form, continuity or precision of outline.
He who would work with the Divine Plan tunes in consciously to the perfect etheric plan and rather than daily “casting bread” haphazardly “upon the waters,” takes the Great Energy of Life, coupled with the mental picture, and drives it into the substance of the Earth by the Power of his FEELING. Then, issuing the Great Fiat,
“I AM,” he projects into the mental form of the desired manifestation the perfect atom contained in the Great Command “I AM” which is the cohesive Power of Love. This way, instead of receiving back miscellaneous ‘loves and fishes,” one becomes Master of Energy and receives back exactly that which he has ordered!
The right hand is the direct wiring through which the energy may be catapulted into the appearance world, and when you are conscious of it as the Five-Rayed (Rays 3 – 7) representative of the Holy Spirit you become the Authority of Life when you release that energy through the hand in a Cosmic Fiat.
When you study Serapis’s Ray (4th Ray), you will learn that significance of the index finger and why it is so often dignified with the ring of authority.
Let us be through with the “bread pudding” and bring forth now only the Divine Plan.
By the Ascended Master Kuthumi
BRIDGE TO FREEDOM – Journal June 1960
There has been a detailed discussion of the word “momentum” and the various talents and developments of the lifestreams, their various likes and dislikes, their affinities, aversions, etc., and these are very lightly referred to by the student as a “gathered momentum” in a certain direction. The student further realizes that “momentum” is a constant repetition of certain actions and reactions toward a certain qualification of energy, which gains in volume and intensity by such repetition and, therefore, becomes a pressure of reserved energy that acts almost independently of the conscious volition of the individual.
Kindliness, humility, genuine warmth of heartfelt feeling are developed by the lifestream, at first, through very definite conscious effort, and then, as the radiation becomes more a part of the individual, the momentum of good makes the sustained harmony almost automatic in its expression.
Dissolving Momentums Of Discord
Every being, from the electron to the Godhead, expands by his or her conscious absorption of the God-energy, his particular quality, and directs it according to the free will of the self-conscious life.
Blessed, Beloved Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within my heart – my Beloved Unfed Flame – that Blessed Mother expression of my own Divinity, I ADORE YOU! COME NOW INTO OUTER ACTION IN ANSWER TO MY CALL. ARISE, ARISE, ARISE!
Take complete and immediate, and eternal command of all the energies of my entire Being and world. Purify and illumine them, and COMPEL thy perfect balance of Love, Wisdom and Power to rule me and my world all ways in undisputed and undenied AUTHORITY of love’s perfection over everything in my being and world and all I contract forever. I accept this done RIGHT NOW with full power! So help me, beloved Kuthumi and the Ascended Hosts.