Compiled by Beloved MORGAN LE FAY from the Ascended Master’s Words


Bridge to Freedom - Bulletin Book 1 page 66


Beloved Maha Chohan                    

One of the most beautiful activities connected with the closing of the yearly cycle is the mystic ceremony whereby the Lords of Karma close the individual Book of Life for every lifestream incarnate upon Earth during the twelve months that have passed.

This ceremonial takes place the last evening of the old year in the great Temple of Karma located within the etheric belt. It is a particular service for embodied individuals, and, although it includes those who have had any portion of an embodiment within the year, it does not include the discarnates, or those who have not had an active Earth experience for at least one hour of those twelve months. This is the merciful office of the Karmic Board, and is performed in order to allow the lifestreams of the race to be freed from a portion of the errors and mistakes of the past year, made—not so much through willful disobedience to the Law, as through lack of discernment, discretion and discrimination. In other words, the mitigation of evil effects relate only to those whose causes were motivated with no evil intent, but which, nevertheless, ofttimes produced unnecessary confusion and distress in their wake.

You would be surprised and gratified to know that almost a quarter of the karmic legacy of the race is caused through “blundering,” rather than willful disobedience of the unseen or manifest Law, and the mercy of the Karmic Board (from the beginning of mankind's experiment with the Law of Cause and Effect) has always allowed, at the close of the year, this merciful melting away of the karmic punishments, due to this laxity, which accounts for the lightness with which individuals enter the New Year—filled with hope, resolutions and strongly imbedded desire to improve upon their nature, character and manifest expression.

There are over four billion souls who come under this beneficent mercy of the Karmic Board during this ceremonial. Each lifestream, from the ignorant savage to the most elect and select student, passes through the Halls of Karma, and his load is lightened according to the intent of his motives during the past twelve months. Thus, all are enabled to enter joyously into the New Year councils, and receive the greatest possible benefit from the directive energies of the Master Beings, who set up the keynote for the coming year.

The Lords of Karma, themselves, allow the lifestream of every individual, at the close of each year, a certain percentage of grace and mercy, which mitigates anywhere from one to forty or fifty per cent of the karmic debts of the year; and this mercy is always measured AGAINST THE MOTIVES behind all action. After the Lords of Karma have measured the light of the lifestreams, each one is then placed within the Ceremonial Fire of Purification, which is projected and sustained, of course, under the direction of Saint Germain, with the help and direction and sustenance of the angelic kingdom and the initiates, who are educated in the direction and sustenance of the Sacred Fire in its purifying aspect.

Thus, consciously or unconsciously, every lifestream upon the planet tastes and experiences within his own body, the purifying action of the Seventh Ray at the close of every year, and the soul and inner bodies step forth from this purification with a greater opportunity for progress and less accumulation of a binding nature. Of course, it must be understood that each lifestream receives the ultimate amount of mercy and grace THAT HIS OWN MERIT FOR THE PAST YEAR HAS ALLOWED HIM.

If it were not for this yearly purification, mankind would, within seven years, destroy their minds, bodies and possible useful service for that incarnation. To a certain extent, it performs the same service that every soul is blessed with at the close of each embodiment, when—through the purifying fire of cosmic mercy—it is released of the karma of that entire life span, which was created more through IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY than CONSCIOUS INTENT to do evil. This is the comfort and mercy extended by the Father of love to is children, and it is the only hope for the survival of life upon the planet. My particular office requires my presence in the hall of the Lords of Karma during each individual judgment, because every lifestream comes under my individual radiation, and it is important for me to see what the year has yielded in soul growth and possible expansion of light.

You have been told how, at the stroke of midnight on each new year, the Silent Watcher releases into the consciousness of SANAT KUMARA (Ed. Who was then Lord of the World) the keynote for the incoming year, and it may interest you to know that the keynote for the year 1950 was THE LOVE STAR, for 1951 it was my own insignia—THE DOVE OF PEACE, and for this year of 1952, it was an EAR OF WHEAT, signifying the accomplishment of each lifestream.

In this year of 1952, which is called “the Year of the Harvest,” we find that the accomplishment of the individual intelligence will be a paramount issue before the Karmic Council, because the edict for the year was that every intelligence—Divine as well as human—was required by Law to utilize the talents, powers and capacities, developed by the lifestream, in contributing to the expansion of the light through the human race.

As the great conclave at Shamballa closes, and the Brotherhood prepares for its individual and collective audience before the Lords of Karma at the half-yearly conclave, every unascended being will do well to remember that as he has shared in the vision of the new day, and is aware of the significance of the year, he will likewise be called upon to render a personal account of the utilization of his talents and energy during the course of the past year in a PUBLIC MEETING before both the Lords of Karma and the ENTIRE ASSEMBLAGE of Ascended and unascended beings, who will all enter the final outpouring of 1952, each one carrying his own sheaf, born of the single ear he had received on New Year's Day from the hands of the Silent Watcher and Sanat Kumara (Ed. Then Lord of the World. The Lord of the World is now Beloved Lord Gautama)

It is needless for me to say that it is the earnest and heartfelt prayer of each member of the Ascended Host who has stood sponsor for the unascended lifestreams present, that the harvest gleaned by each one will justify the faith such sponsor had in the capacities and endeavors of each individual student and chela.”

December 7, 1952

Mighty Aries

The Seven Sacred Weeks

Beloved Aries Speaks:

Beloved Thor and beloved ladies and gentlemen, we thank you so much for being interested in the atmosphere in which you abide.

I wonder how many of you have ever thought of a planet without an atmosphere! There could be no human life upon it and all the various experiments which the peoples are making regarding trips to other planets is dependent upon scientific research as to the atmosphere in, through and around those planets. Of course, scientific accuracy is not yet perfected. The understanding that every planet on which life abides has an atmosphere and that man-made atmosphere — no matter how expensive — will not suffice upon another planet!

Individuals who desire to rise in space and visit the various polaroids, stars and planets have to accelerate to their own atmosphere, and do so in the safety of projected consciousness!

We are joyous and have been ever since the great Helios and Vesta asked us to have created an atmosphere for this Earth — the light blue of the morning to the deep blue of the night, where the moon and the stars stud our garments. That is a living and palpitating essence by which you, each and every one, have life upon, this Earth. Without it there could be no life. Without the directors of all the four elements and our subjects, there could not be life upon this Earth.




Beloved Maha Chohan

Dearly Beloved Children,

The approach of the Christmas holidays brings the presence of the Masters very much closer to the consciousness of the people of Earth, and we shall appreciate any particular thought you may care to give on the unfoldment of the higher nature of the race.

As this season is most advantageous for our spiritual harvest, we press into the seven-week period all the light that the Cosmic Law will allow, by the upreaching of mankind's thought and feeling to the octave of celestial giving. Therefore, the intensification of the calls and invocations of the students at this time doubles and trebles our opportunities to give. So, if you can lift your thought heavenward, particularly during the Christmas week itself, you will have afforded us a personal blessing, as the greatest good that we can give is more of ourselves.

The CHRISTMAS SPIRIT begins to flow around the first of December, and carries through for seven weeks, until the 12th or 14th of January. The Christ Spirit is an outpouring of love and all the perfect qualities from the angels, Masters, and other Divine Beings, and it pours over Earth like a golden rain of beautiful particles of light. Each particle is like a nine-pointed star, and the entire lower atmosphere of Earth and the bodies of all the people are enveloped in it. It increases in power until Christmas Eve when its potent presence is almost palpably felt by even the coarsest outer minds. To that outpouring of all the Celestial Beings is added a tremendous radiation from the retreats and sanctuaries throughout the world, under the direct guardianship and guidance of the Masters and conscious chelas.

The Violet Fire Cauldron

Between Christmas and New Year


Beloved Ones,

You might like to witness an activity that is taking place in the atmosphere above the Royal Teton this evening—that of the annual submergence of the multitude in the lake of Violet Fire—drawn here for this purpose, which is part of the mercy of the Cosmic Law. As you have been told, at the end of each twelve-month period, we come to a time when the Violet Fire, in overwhelming cosmic action, is allowed to dissolve and transmute, in, through, and around the lifestreams of Earth, all the accumulation of discord that has been created during the course of that year WITHOUT VICIOUS INTENT—WITHOUT MALICE—and THROUGH IGNORANCE.

For that purpose, at the end of each year, there is created by the builders of form what you would describe as a lake, about a thousand feet in diameter, circular in shape and filled with deep, Violet Fire. Into that Lake of Violet Fire every soul, belonging to this planet, steps before the end of the year, and each one is literally baptized, one might say, in its purifying essence.





Beloved Maha Chohan (pages 72-74)         December 28, 1952

The glorious ceremony of purification and merciful forgiveness for the misuse of energy and light during the twelve-month period that is passing into eternity, begins today in the heart of the great Rocky Mountain Retreat.

There are no words to describe the compassion of that forgiving love of the Cosmic Christ into which the souls of every lifestream upon the planet are consciously drawn, that their karma might be lessened, and that they may step forth into the pulsation of the New Year with a new opportunity to find mercy and, through mercy, peace.

The great audience chamber is completely decorated in all the variegated tones of the Purple Ray, from the most delicate pink-violet and blue-violet tones to the rich, deep purples, which represent the most concentrated essence of that Flame of Mercy, Forgiveness and Compassion.


BULLETIN  Journal 2, page160-61 (Kuthumi)

Each year, immediately preceding and during the holy Christmas Season, the great Cosmic Law permits the opening of the spiritual highways between the universal galaxies and over them come sweeping, like shining meteors, Cosmic Beings, Archangels and God-free Masters of Life, without number each Celestial Being, the song of his own lifestream forming his atmosphere, accompanied by the radiant band of spirits that comprise his court and who abide within his aura, many of them being born of his own life essence.

As company after company of these celestial envoys meet and pass each other in interstellar space, exchanging joyous salutations expressed in music and song, their happy vibrations mingle with and add to the harmony of the spheres. As these glorious songs of praise rise in a mighty chorus of thanksgiving to the heart of the one Eternal Father, the entire universe resounds with the joy, gladness and goodwill that finds an answering echo, even in the most dense earth consciousness during the Holy Season between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

It is truly a period of great joy, happiness and freedom, when these shining sons and daughters of God are freed by Cosmic Law for a short time from their voluntary service to lesser and, very often, unappreciative evolutions. They are permitted to visit those they love, who dwell on stars and planets other than their own, with whom they have developed cooperative service on various small or obscure stars or planets in the far distant past. So it is that our small Earth plays host to many of these glorious Celestial Ones, while the Immortal Threefold Flame is visible upon the altar at Shamballa at this time of each year.

The entire city wears a festive air. The very ethers seem a tremble with anticipation, joy and gladness and that particular “holiday spirit” which penetrates even into the dense atmosphere of Earth during the happy season of the Christ Mass.

The songs of the Seraphic and Cherubic Choirs are soul stirring, even to those beings who have been God-Free for many centuries.

As these joyous sons and daughters of the kingdom return “home,” they are each enfolded in the outstretched, welcoming arms of the Father Sanat Kumara, and then each one is escorted to his or her own particular compartment. Here they immediately begin to reverse the currents of their own life or consciousness, preparatory to entering the Great Silence, where the “pull of Earth” ceases for them and the “pull of the Father” becomes the magnetic attraction in their feelings.


Beloved Maha Chohan,

As the planet Earth comes to a fulfillment of its yearly revolution around the Sun, the vibratory action of the twelve months begins to sound its final chord and note, which contains within itself the keynote of the year, and which, for the remaining days of the year, is the predominant vibration felt by all people everywhere.

The members of the Great White Brotherhood, and every being connected with the evolution of the planet, endeavor to complete that portion of their service (which had been allotted to them at the beginning of the year) by the fifteenth of November. Each one makes it his personal or cosmic business to “close his books,” so to speak, by this date, and turn his footsteps, as well as his thought and attention, to the great conclave at Shamballa.

Here all these blessed children of the One Father come, filled with happy anticipation of the joyous reunion and loving association with their celestial brothers, coupled with the gladsome expectation of celebrating the glorious feast of the Christmas in the bosom of their Father. Every being, whether incarnate, discarnate or ascended, is a vibratory center, like a plucked harp string.

December 1, 1952