
Excerpt From: ‘The Book of Life by The Ascended Masters’ A BRIDGE TO FREEDOM Publication
“When the Great God Flame is first projected forth as an individualized Intelligence from the Heart of God, It contains within Its Very Self the Masculine and Feminine Aspects of Divinity.
Self-conscious and individual choice determines whether or not this White Fire Being will seek to further the individualization of Itself thru manifesting as the Twin Rays from the same Heart Source.
Those Mighty Beings who never choose to journey thru the world of experience continue to function from within the single White Fire Body, performing Service in Cosmic Spheres and thus unfolding Their God-Plan as ONE.
However, those who choose to come forth as the Twin Flames are, by their very choice, enabled to double their Power and capacities thru the individual endeavors of each individual Ray, and upon returning again into the Cosmic Field of Service, they will be by the very reason of their Service and Experience, almost tripled in Powers and Capacities to serve Life, as compared to the ones who remain within the single orbit in the Realms of Light.
When the White Fire Being determines to individualize the Twin Rays there is performed a Cosmic Ceremony in which the Electronic Bodies of the Masculine and Feminine Aspects of the One God Flame are externalized and kneel before their own White Fire Source and receive the Blessing and Benediction of the Sun of their System. A Ring of Flame passes from the White Fire Body thru Their two Hearts and back again into the White Fire Body. This Cosmic Circlet is the Protective Presence of their Love and Ultimate Union at the end of their individual pilgrimages, no matter how long that may be.
No one can describe the Joy and the Happiness of the centuries in which the Twin Flames abide within the Glorious Light of the Inner Realms which form Their Natural Spiritual Home. Here They function as ONE in Purpose, Endeavor and Service, but have the added Happiness of Companionship and Sweet Association in Their Endeavors.
As the constant Pulsation from the Heart of the Father of the System is to carry His Kingdom to the periphery of the farthest Star, sooner or later that impulse is bound to find a responsive note within the Heart of one or the other or both of the Twin Flames who have enjoyed the Peaceful Happiness of the Inner Spheres, and then comes the first real separation with its attendant forgetfulness and, unhappily, the centuries of floundering which so often accompanies incarnation, particularly on the Earth-plane.
Sometimes, both Flames choose the roles of Missionary and incarnate, ofttimes only one, the other remaining as the Positive Pole and Spiritual Day Star, sustaining the Mission of the Beloved thru centuries of time. This latter is the case when a Lifestream is endowed and dedicated to be a Guardian Presence and belongs either to another evolutionary scheme or a previous Chain.
Finally, we come to the close of the pilgrimage of the Rays and again the Mystic Ceremony is repeated, as the Heart Flames of the Free and the Bound are again Spiritually United for all Eternity. This Cosmic Union can take place only when one of the Twin Rays is already Ascended and when it has been determined by the Karmic Board that such a Union will be of benefit to the progress of the Universal Scheme of Creation. The unascended Lifestream is then drawn before the Lords of Karma - The Maha Chohan presents the Scroll containing the record of the entire Life pilgrimage and the Holy Christ Self must signify as to the possibility, with continued endeavor, of the Ascension of the Aspirant at the close of the Earth Life. If any of these three separate and distinct tests show a negative result, the moment of such union is delayed.
The individual judgment before the Karmic Lords reveals the present development of the inner bodies, the motivating Power behind the use of Life by the individual as well as his possible activities of his Powers and trusts are increased and the record of the present Earth Life.
The reading of the Scroll by the Maha Chohan reveals the experiences of the individual in previous lives, by the use to which he put particular opportunities to serve Life, his choice of employment between embodiments, etc. The Holy Christ Self, knowing the personal ego, the tendencies of the nature, the hidden ambitions of the Consciousness, etc., then honestly reports on the possible future outcome of such added Blessing.
When the individual has passed the three foregoing Initiations, the moment of his acceptance comes and either Sanat Kumara or Lord Maitreya, on his behalf, signifies that such a one is ready for this Union. At this moment the Twin Ray is called before the Tribunal and given the solemn charge that the actual Powers, Substance, Energies and full gathered Cosmic Momentum of his Free Cosmic Consciousness will be henceforth tied into the Heart of the unascended portion of Itself - who, by this voluntary Union on the part of the Ascended One – has Free Access and Right to use this Power and Energy according to the dictates of the outer self - but, the responsibility for the use of these Energies remains with the Ascended Flame.
Can you even vaguely imagine this responsibility? The centuries and sometimes aeons of Cosmic Momentum given ‘unto a child’...relying upon the Discrimination, Honor, Integrity, Purity and Fidelity of an unascended Being not to waste or dissipate this forever.
When the Twin Ray signifies that - for Love - It is willing to make such a sacrifice, the Tribunal gives Its Blessing to both parties and a date for such a Union is set and each of the Rays is given into the protection of Beings Who prepare them for that hour.
The Sun of the System to which the Lifestream belongs performs the actual Ceremony. For instance, Twin Rays from Venus are reunited before the Grand Altar of their Sun, Twin Rays from the Earth before Helios and Vesta and Cosmic Twin Rays before the Great Central Sun of the System. As they kneel again and the Cosmic Circlet unites their Heart Flames for eternity, truly, truly, truly can it be said:
"Whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."
(An excerpt from ‘The Magic Presence’ - Divine Romance – Godfre Ray King)
"Now to return to the explanation of the Rays The Almighty God Flame, breathing within Itself, projects Two Rays into the Great Sea of Pure Electronic Light. This Intelligent Light Substance becomes the clothing, as it were, for these Rays of the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' Each Ray has all the Attributes of the Godhead within It, and no imperfection can ever enter into or register upon It. The Individualized Flame sends down into each Ray a Focal Point or Spark, forming a Heart Center upon which gathers the Electronic Light Substance, creating the Electronic Body. Around this It sends out Rays of lesser intensity that form an aura or force field. This force field is sometimes referred to as the Causal Body, and within It are deposited the results of all constructive effort during and between each embodiment. All Electronic Substance that has been used constructively by the personal self through physical experience is also deposited within It. Through It, the God Flame can send out into space a Greater Release of Its own Life Wave.
"The Causal Body, through the personality's journey in physical experience, becomes an Ever-expanding Sun and a Self-sustained Outpouring of Limitless Ideas, Love, Wisdom and Power, flowing out forever on Rays of Love to the rest of this Universe. This Sun is in reality a Reservoir of constructively used energy and substance, gathered through human experience and drawn upward, so It becomes the Glory of the 'God Flame,' which mark you, never loses Its individual identity in the Universe. This is how the Beautiful, Joyous, Perfect, Limitless Activity of Life and Creation goes on— ever expanding Its Perfection.
"The Universal Substance and Energy which the personal self uses discordantly accumulates in the atmosphere around the physical body of both the personality and the Earth. Periodically it builds a vortex and can only be purified and returned to the Great Sea of Universal Light by the activity of the Fire Element.
"The purifying process of the Fire Element acting within the flesh of the human body to consume wrong qualities sometimes produces the sensation of pain if wrongly qualified by the personality; but if the Fire Element acts within the flesh of the human body to vivify and energize, It produces the sensation of Peace, Exhilaration and Ecstasy. If acting in the atmosphere of the Earth and within Nature to purify, It sometimes produces volcanic and cataclysmic conditions; when acting to vivify and energize in Nature, It produces marvelous growth and pure, rarefied air which vitalizes all.
"The personal self of every individual is endowed with the Power of Choice as to what it wishes to think, to feel, to create and experience. If one uses all the substance and energy of his Being constructively, then Peace, Expansion, Joy, Opulence, and Glory are the return unto Life for the Outpouring of Its Gifts. If one chooses and creates otherwise, his misery and destruction return into himself and destroy his body.
"The personal self is a Custodian of Life, of Ideas, and of 'Light Substance,' Pure Electronic Substance. The very fact that one is in existence as a human being is an open acknowledgment to those who are able to read the Book of Life, that he has decreed to come into individual existence and accepted of his own choice the Responsibility of being a Creator. Everyone must carry the responsibility of his world. If he has created, because of the appetites of the physical body, things and conditions he does not enjoy, he has all power to purify and dissolve them by the right use of the Fire Element—of which Divine Love is the Highest, Most Powerful, and Eternal Activity.
"If he desires to set his personal self and world in order and therefore have Peace and create a world of Joy, Perfection and Glory, he must look to his Electronic Body for the Pattern of his Divine Perfection; for It cannot and never will be found anywhere else. There, and there only, can the personal self ever find security, rest, satisfaction, joy, and the Fulfillment of every constructive desire, for in the 'Fullness of the Presence' are the things that you desire.
"This Perfect, Eternal, Electronic Body abides from twelve to fifty feet above the physical body of every individual, unless he be a very low or destructive type, when It withdraws still farther away.
"This is the Son and Sun of God, for the Electronic Body of every Individualized Flame of God is a Dazzling, Blazing Light of such intensity that the human eyes can only gaze upon It for the fraction of a second. By adoration to the God Flame and purification of Its instrument—the personal self—the outer activity of the mind and physical body becomes raised in vibratory attunement to see the Electronic Body clearly within the Blazing Light of the force field around It The physical body or actual atomic structure of the flesh is the densest form and is the record of the outer activity of the mind.
"In certain phases of religious explanation concerning this Electronic Body, It has been referred to many times as the Guardian Angel. It is all of that and more when really understood and comprehended. To It, the personal self should look for the Supply of every good thing as a child looks to its mother. All that is within the God Flame flows into the Electronic Body, where the Tremendous Power and Intensity of the Light of the 'Mighty I AM Presence' is stepped down to a degree that can act in the vibratory octave of the physical world.
"From the Heart Center of the Electronic Body flows a Stream of Life Essence, or Liquid Light, which enters the physical body through the pineal gland and fills the nerve channels. This Liquid White Fire flows through the nerves as blood does through the veins. This beats the heart, moves the muscles of the body, and enables one to walk or raise the hand. It is also the Energizing Light within the brain cells.
"The Life Stream of the body has often been referred to as the 'Silver Cord.' So It is; for the Stream of Liquid White Light pulsates continually through the flesh body by way of the nervous system. At so-called death, the 'God Presence’ withdraws the Stream of Liquid Light, and the flesh disintegrates. The reason the race continues to experience so-called death is because of the waste of this Electronic Light through emotional excesses, instead of retaining It within the physical brain and body to rebuild the cellular structure and supply the Motive Power for the entire body.
"Mankind does not like to hear this Truth, but the waste of the Life Energy through uncontrolled feeling is the cause of the disintegration of all physical bodies outside of violence. If one uses the Inner Sight to observe the Life Stream of a strong healthy child, he will see the nerves of the body full of this Dazzling Liquid White Light.
"Then if he observes the body of the same child when ill or fatigued, he will see the Light greatly diminished. In an old body, it is still more greatly dimmed, and if one wishes to observe the Soul passing out of the body at so-called death, he will see this Life Stream entirely withdrawn at the top of the head, until It becomes only a thin thread of Light which finally breaks. At that moment, the heart ceases to beat.
"Again, let us return to the explanation of the Rays: Nada and Bob Singleton are two other Rays of an Individualized God Flame. Whether you choose to accept this wonderful fact depends entirely upon yourselves. I do not even suggest—but knowing the secret feeling of your Hearts as I do, it is my privilege to disclose this much. It will explain some of the feeling which you have not understood.
"My sincere hope is that all four of you will be able to raise your bodies in this Life—with the outer attention consciously directed to that point. With the Assistance which We can give at the proper time, you will be able to accomplish the Final Attainment. I feel your gratitude, for which I thank you. In answer to your thought of why this Glorious Privilege is yours, I want you to know that it is because of previous growth. Your own Indwelling 'Mighty I AM Presence' commands It for your Safeguard and Illumination.
"I shall now give you the Explanation of the Law by which you are able to illuminate, raise the physical body, and express the Full Dominion, Victory, and Freedom of the Ascended Masters:
"The seed within man and woman is only intended for the sacred office of creating a body by which another Soul may come into physical embodiment. At all other times, the Glorious Light within the body should be raised into the top of the head and allowed to flow up in adoration unto the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' Then by uplifted thoughts and feeling, one can do creative work at the mental level through glorious ideas, ideals of art, music, invention, discovery, research, and the creation of beauty and harmony of every description through a Service that blesses humanity, and therefore the individual who gives it.
"Instead of wasting the wonderful Liquid Light, the Marvelous God-given Essence of Life, in sex sensation and excesses, whereby the body becomes decrepit, flabby, crippled, face lined, eyes dull, the whole structure stooped and feeble, the brain inactive, sight and hearing impaired, and the memory not able to function—this Energy should be rightly used in wonderful, idealistic Creative Activity.
"In such constructive consciousness and accomplishment, the physical body would remain eternally youthful and beautiful, the brain and faculties keen, alert, and active; and the whole physical expression would become the Image and Likeness of the living God—truly the 'Temple of the Most High!'
"Your bodies are now calling for their accustomed rest. The chambers are in readiness. Sleep until you awaken. I commend you to the Embrace of your Glorious 'Mighty I AM Presence.' Rest in peace."
We returned to our beautiful sleeping chambers where all was in readiness. The most delightful fragrance of roses permeated everything, and we certainly never rested upon more comfortable couches, nor enjoyed such divine repose. Rex was very happy to find that Pearl was the "Twin Ray" of his own God Flame, and in speaking of her after he and I had gone to our room, said:
"Ever since we first met, I have felt a strange attraction to Pearl, and whenever in her presence, I am always conscious of a sense of quiet contentment. Our Blessed Saint Germain has certainly explained all most wonderfully, and I am deeply grateful."
"In giving this explanation to me some months ago," I replied, "He said to me: 'The Beautiful Love of one Ray for its Twin Ray is tremendously uplifting, exalting, wonderful, and infinitely more joyous than when the great Current of Liquid Fire, the Life Stream of the Universe, is turned downward and becomes passion. 'This Mighty, Concentrated Electronic Force, or Life Essence, is a Liquid Light which flows wherever the attention directs It. The mind's attention is pulled this way and that by thought, feeling, sight, and hearing—in fact by the pull of all the physical senses. The True Understanding of what Mighty Power is at your command when you have full control over your attention cannot be overestimated. The Liquid Electronic Essence is this Mighty Energy, and It energizes whatever the attention rests upon.
" 'If one be doing intense mental work, the Liquid Light stays within the brain and flows forth through the center of the forehead between the eyes as a Ray of Light, and if the Inner Sight be opened, one can easily and always see It. If one be speaking, this Pure Mighty Energy flows forth through the Throat Center as sound. If one be pouring out Divine Love, this Liquid Light flows forth as a Radiance from the Heart Center. 'If one be sending out intense feeling, It flows forth from the solar plexus. Here It also performs the function of digesting the food. If one has the Inner Sight opened, he will see a Stream of Light pouring out from whatever center the energy is being used at the moment. This Pure Liquid Light becomes colored by whatever quality the personality imposes upon It through the thought, feeling, and spoken word. Here lies one's responsibility as a creator, and the means by which he can correct or purify whatever has been wrongly created.