The Ascension Temple
Hierarch in Charge: Serapis Bey
Location: Luxor, Egypt & Long Island New York, USA
Flame: The Ascension Flame – crystalline white
Interesting details:
· located 480 miles of south of Cairo, Egypt in the physical plane, since the 1980’s there is also a mighty focus of this Ascension Flame over Long Island, NY. USA
· Shape of the Flame flower is similar to the Easter Lily
· First opened to Bridge chelas on September 15th, 1952
· Keynote of Retreat: Contained in the melody “Liebestraum” by Franz Liszt
· Keynote of Hierarch of Retreat: “Celeste Aida” from the opera “Aida” by Verdi
· Serapis Bey ask to be re-embodied many times to maintain this flame
· The Ascension Retreat represents the action of drawing-in or completing the cycle of Earth’s evolution.
· Brotherhood of this Retreat wear white robes, which contain crystal cuffs, and a sun over the heart
· Known for its strict code of conduct; Absolute obedience is a demand here
· TRY is the motto of this retreat
Purpose of Retreat:
The Ascension Flame is essential to every lifestream to the attainment of the Ascension. The Brotherhood of this Retreat assist all who now have the opportunity to be prepared to make the Ascension at inner levels without having to re-embody. The dispensation that made this new way of gaining the Ascension was obtained by Archangel Michael on January 1st, 1954.
The Homes and Retreats of the Masters of Wisdom
July 15th through August 14, 1956
The Brotherhood of the Ascension Temple have dedicated their lives to sustaining the Ascension Flame upon whose crest all who qualify may return "Home" into the Ascended Masters Realms of perfect expression.
When mankind allowed their consciousness to be impregnated with shadows and lost the control of their thought and feeling worlds, some few realized that a way back to Perfection must be found and sustained. While the masses enjoyed the "pursuit of happiness", these few continued to draw primal life, qualifying it with adoration to God and his Heavenly Messengers; then consciously sending that praise, adoration and thanksgiving up to them. This ascending stream of love is a current of actual power and lifts the energies of those who choose to avail themselves of connecting with the Ascension Flame for the purpose of raising the vibratory action of their own inner and physical bodies.