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Tube of Light—Protection and Magnet

Excerpt from: ‘Dictations by Ascended Masters’ – Beloved Lord Ling  – page:258

“The protection one receives from the use of the Tube of Light is so important as IT shields one’s world from the destructive creations in the atmosphere in which he or she must move in this octave. This Tube of Light is instantly and perfectly formed about you when you call to your own beloved I AM Presence to do so. Were you to remain wholly harmonious thereafter within it, that Tube of Light would be an invincible and eternal protection to you. However, since you have complete use of your God-given gift of free will, you may qualify energy any way you please. IF you are inharmonious in thought, feeling, spoken word and deed, it is broken through, and you are again vulnerable to those destructive creations made up of the lower vibrations of distress about you.

Your Tube of Light is not only a protection, but can also be qualified as a magnet of light which will draw to you any and all good you may require to make you able to fulfill your divine plan more easily and express more of the glory of God’s kingdom, here on Earth. please experiment with this, dear friends! Stay with the project of magnetizing one particular God-virtue of expression until it has manifested through you and your world.

You may also intensify your protection by calling the Luminous Presence of beloved Jesus, myself, or any other Ascended Master in blazing white light to enfold your outer form. This not only protects you from the discords in which you move, but it also increases your feelings of mastery and acts as a magnet to draw to you the good you desire and require to fulfill your reason for being.

Always remember that the “drive” and power of the human will alone may bring temporary accomplishment for you, but that will may not be permanently sustained! However, you may freely express any God-virtue or perfection you desire by calling to the particular Master who is the victorious embodiment of that virtue and, at your call, he or she will fill your emotional body (feeling world) with his or her grace and feeling of that virtue so that, thereafter, that grace and virtue become your own! In this way, you more quickly build a pressure of the feeling of that God-virtue from inside yourself, which will radiate forth to the mankind of Earth, especially those whom you contact directly.”


ADK Luk – Law of Life Book I & II .

In the beginning when individuals came forth there was a natural protection around each one; it was not a self-conscious creation. As the discord of mankind increased, rents and tears were imposed upon it and it diminished more and more, till it was practically gone.

Now we need to go into action, apply the law and again build this Pillar of Protection – this time consciously. Being a conscious creation it cannot be dissipated as before. In some teachings something is known about this Protection but it has been more or less vague. (Sometimes it is called tube, belt, or circle.)

The Pillar of Light originally was about nine feet in diameter; it was really the Stream of Light from the Pres­ence, or “Silver Cord”. As mankind became more and more discordant the “Silver Cord” became smaller and smaller. That was in mercy to the outer self, because if too much energy were released into its use, it would annihil­ate itself by misqualifying the energy.

The “Silver Cord” is made up of a stream of electronic energy – that is the stream of life, and the connection of the outer self with its Source. It is Pure Energy, Primal Life unqualified. It takes on the qualification according to the free will of the individual. This Primal Life is elemental substance which is charged or vowed to obey the creative principle – to obey the Three-fold Flame in the heart, according to free will. That is how mankind has created discord and also the accumulated good in the Causal body.

This Protective Pillar is a tube or pillar of Pure Light Substance, invisible to the ordinary sight but can be seen with the inner sight. It is not hollow inside like a tube. There is light all the way through like a pillar in, through and around your body, for a radius of about three (or up to nine) feet, condensed at the outer edge like a crust to make it impenetrable to anything not of Light – Divine Love.