(This timeless information was given to a group of students in SEATTLE, WASHINGTON during August 1937. It applies now, and forever to all people of the world. The words were projected in front of the messenger, Guy Ballard, as Golden letters of Light and he read them and his words were recorded.)

"Remind yourselves every morning, when you awake: “Now what my attention is on I become! Where my attention is, there I am”! Then you won’t want to let your attention be on destructive or limiting things; because you know you become what you contemplate.

Every moment your attention is on gossip, criticism or condemnation, you are becoming that yourself! You may be ever so innocent of any feeling; but if you begin to revolve or discuss criticism, condemnation, judgment, hatred, anger, jealousy and all those things; you are charging them into your world, which you will have to experience to some degree!

This is why the Power of your Attention is the most Gigantic Thing in the use of mankind today!

Your Power of Qualification and your physical eyesight, your vision, have a triple activity, which if governed constructively, will fill your world quickly with Perfection of every description! It is why in This Explanation today, I take the opportunity again to remind you of these things. Don’t think any one of you escapes! That is why I want to use this opportunity, to say to you, you waste your time; if you allow yourselves to criticize, condemn or judge anyone, any person, place or condition! You are not harming any other person; but you are harming yourselves, by filling your worlds with the quality upon which your attention rests. You cannot avoid it! So don’t be foolish, Dear Ones! You should be thinking about yourselves. You cannot harm anyone else, but you do harm yourselves more than you will ever know; by a continuation of any of those activities—criticism or gossip!

I know this Good Messenger will pardon Me for interrupting with a few Explanations; but do you realize what sometimes one sentence of gossip will do? It well wreck human lives! You do KNOW It in your calm moments! THEN, DO NOT LET ANY EXCITEMENT OR FIT OF ANGER, CAUSE YOU TO SAY UNKIND THINGS, SOMETIMES FALSEHOODS—COMPLETELY! BECAUSE ANGER KNOWS NO DISCRIMINATION!

IT CARES ABOUT NOTHING EXCEPT TO DESTROY! IF THAT QUALITY IS ACTING IN YOU, THEN FOR THAT MOMENT, THERE IS ONLY DESTRUCTION ACTING. These are vital things! You who touch This Stream of Light and have come to know the “I AM Presence,” must know such discordant feeling is not permissible; for it is you who are being destroyed, limited and interfered with! You don’t harm anyone else! You might affect them temporarily, but very little; especially you cannot affect the Students of the “I AM,” who know how to protect themselves!"