“Nothing can be permanently sustained, anywhere in this universe, without the feeling of God’s gift of Peace!” Francis Ekey -Philadelphia Group Leader

The Maha Chohan Speaks

Journal, Book 2: page 482

Remember that the substance, qualified energy and radiation which you consciously draw into your physical bodies with your breath, becomes an actual part of your own inner and physical garments.

As you join with the Spiritual Hierarchy at the feet of the beloved Himalaya, you shall partake of his wisdom and his peace! Breathe deeply of this rarified and spiritual sanctity and make it a part of yourself. Then, as you project and expand these gifts into the world around you, you are actual conductors of the light and peace held within this temple, to all mankind!

Jesus Holding the Peace

Journal 4 Page 35 Archangel Uriel speaks

Jesus Christ was a most peaceful man and yet he was a power indeed, stronger than all the human appearances around him – even that of so-called “death.”

Do you think for one moment that our beloved Jesus came by that peaceful control of energy just automatically? No, beloved ones, every instant from the time of his conception by the beloved Mary did his Mother and Father consciously hold around his form the vibrations of Cosmic Christ Peace. Then, when he later became cognizant of his own individualization in the body of Jesus, he was also trained to sustain that peace by beloved Mary, Joseph, the Ascended host and, particularly by the angels. Do you think he could have walked through the multitudes untouched by their doubts, fears and general distresses, do you think he could have raised Lazarus from the so-called “dead,” make the blind to see, heal the lepers and continue to keep his devoted and well-meaning (but not always understanding) disciples united enough in purpose to form the heart-center of the Christian Dispensation, had he not had a strength which was greater than any human appearance, even “death” itself?

Jesus could not have walked up the hill of crucifixion had he lost his feeling of peace, had he allowed the hysteria of the mob and even of his own followers to frighten or affect him in any way. He could not have manifested the mastery on Golgotha’s Hill, nor the resurrection of his outer form on Easter morning, nor the victor of his public ascension later, had he lost his peace, even for one moment! Both Mary and John gave him great assistance, of course, but he had to hold that peace within himself, peace in his emotions, mind, etheric body and even in his flesh!


You, too, have a cosmic name, a cosmic mission, a cosmic purpose of accomplishment, and that is in the efficacy of learning the control of the vibratory action of God-energy or God-life. Think you that if we who were among those drawn forth in Galilee to render that service had not control of all of the energies of those around us, those who sought to destroy the plan of perfection, those who desired, through temptations which you will never meet, to stir the energies of my feeling world or my thoughts, my etheric consciousness or my flesh form.

You are required to do as much. If you are constantly bombarded by, and you will be if you so allow it, not only tramp thoughts and feelings, words and actions, but projected ones, and you have not A POSITIVE AURA which moves more rapidly than that which is directed toward you, IT SHALL BECOME A PART OF YOU, because like becomes like. Which do you wish to be—a God or a Goddess, or again after ages, a human being bent with the frailties which come through the acceptance of human nature?

I assume in your hearts that you desire to rise above the vibratory action of imperfection and live in a realm, even while yet unascended, where you are the master control of all energy in, through and around you. Then you have builded for the hour when you require it, that energy you can direct to any person, place, condition or thing which desires or requires assistance.