We have started to gather testimonials to hopefully encourage more people to attend the workshops, read the books and get this essential information from the Ascended Masters
Elizabeth - Austin, Texas 2023
“I am so delighted to give my testimony from this weekend. We had a lovely time in this workshop and it was just a miracle to have it in Austin Texas! I had been looking on the website and all of the conferences were so far away and I was delighted to see that one was coming to Austin and just 15 minutes from my house!
During the workshop I felt such love and peace. So much was explained concerning the Ascended Masters and Saint Germain’s huge task of purifying the world with the Violet Flame. It was an anointed and appointed time together and allowed many questions to be discussed and answered. We received a meditation booklet of the Seven Rays and a list of morning and evening decrees. Since I have been home I have been meditating on these and joining in with the decrees. There has been such a strong Presence about me. I feel wrapped in love. I love this opportunity to help the world come out of darkness and into the light!!!
Gailon - China (via email) 2022
This work is very great. Many people's souls will be freed because of your dedication. These books are priceless.
I have read a lot of books, including Buddhist. Many Zen monks only know that the heart is important, but do not know that there is Sacred flame. Many Tantric monks only know visualizing Bodhisattva is on their head during the cultivation process, but do not know that it is their higher self that works.
I found 20 copies of the I AM DISCOURSE and Bridge of Freedom Series from other channels, which cost me a lot of money and time. I wish I had met your website earlier. The books downloaded from your website and the books I found before have been shared with some mysterious QQ groups, which will help many people. I hope everyone can enjoy the love and light in books and live a happy life. Thanks for your help。
Dominique - Monkey Valley, Noordhoek
Thank you to The "I AM" Presence for bringing us together this weekend. A lot of beautiful and powerful information was shared. Thank you.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou, I Bless you for providing access to all of the books/text. I AM so happy that I found your website and I AM very grateful
Mark - Nov 2-23
29th July 2024 - PERTH TASMANIA
What a fantastic workshop it has been this weekend! I AM Free - Teachings of the Ascended Masters! I was able to refresh some of my knowledge and deepen it, clarify some topics, find a new horizon and growth, and learn new aspects of the I AM PRESENCE. I am so grateful and privileged to have been part of this special event.
Anne - New Zealand (September 2024)
I am hearing more from those who attended the “I AM” workshop here in New Zealand, and I can see how it has helped them to really understand about connecting to their I AM Presence and realising how it changes ones life.
They say they knew this but the connection was so well explained by the Masters via the workshop, that they now use this connection in their lives and are seeing the changes!
Many I have spoken to are now using the Decrees and feeling the positive changes.
Truly a link most definitely needed in our time!
Tasmania (July 2024)
I have been in contact with each of the ladies who attended the workshop here, and I am thrilled to let you know that each one of us has had great forward movement on our journey.
It has been an awakening no one expected, but all are so excited for the changes!
Our I AM PRESENCE has touched us all! Thank you for the wonderful workshop - B
A heartfelt thank you for an amazing 2 days of learning about our I AM Presence, which will change our lives forever! 👏🙏🏻❤️
Jean P - Cape Town -February 2025
October 2023 - Austin, Texas
“It was a precious time. Since then I have felt so enfolded in love. Even as I made the decrees yesterday and this morning, I have just felt such a strong Presence about me. I am blessed so much from this weekend…. And in turn, my family is blessed as well.” Elizabeth
October 2023 Austin, Texas
“This workshop is a must for anyone who truly wants to learn about their I AM presence, The Teachings of the Ascended Masters and the Ascension.
It answered a lot of my questions and helped me on application of the knowledge. I am very grateful I was able to attend.”
Lisa – Kaplan, Louisiana October 2023
“This workshop showed me how important it is to continually learn and do the lessons from Saint Germain, and I have more love for them !!
It is a treasure in my heart!!’
Hello at I AM Free
I'm mailing to Thank You for these books in South Africa.
I found Bridge to Freedom in Glencairn and have been reading from the 'Electrons and the Elemental Kingdom' and 'Angelic Kingdom' books for about a year now.
Just about page brings me to tears as I am washed with their Truth.
Thank You - Thank You - Thank You
Robbie (Cape Town)
Robyn - Monkey Valley - Noordhoek
“Such an amazing experience – I really enjoyed it.
I will hold the lessons close to my heart and implement as much as possible as I go along.”
My life is transformed ever since the workshop. Everyday I do the Violet Fire meditation and read the books.
Kenny - Macedonia
Fatemeh - Canada (March 2024)
Thank you SO MUCH for these great teachings for humanity!
I am so grateful, and I wish other students of Light will get these priceless, powerful, true teachings and information, which is necessary to connect with our own “I AM” Presence and build our pathway to Light ‘Home’!
I have gained so much wisdom since I found this channel and did the ONLINE WORKSHOP several months ago. I have been studying different methods and doctrines from Hinduism, Buddhism & Christianity, and learned so much from each of them, but the Great Wisdom in these Ascended Masters Teachings is for this time now, and so much more is given which so valuable & marvellous and clears so many questions and ambiguities!
-The practices provided in different videos are simple, effective and powerful!
-The Info feels so right and resonates with heart!
- Each teaching is loaded with so much Spiritual Light that I feel it is like a DNA upgrade for me!
We must radiate this Light and Love to others as it is pouring to us! To do my portion in this regard, I am using this teaching and sharing it with my group friends, and I started translating them to Persian, so other nationalities can use them too.
The workshop has changed my trajectory! Reading the book ‘Man-His Origin, History and Destiny’ written by Werner Schroeder is fantastic, and it has brought a lot of clarity to what was taught in the workshop.
So many amazing things are happening right now, and I know our decrees, beliefs and knowing this amazing new Earth is on its way or should I say, is here, is making all the difference!
Felicia 2023 - Florida
Yvonne - Cape Town February 2025
I just want to say thank you for the workshop. I can testify that the books, decrees and meditation together with the monthly Transmission Flame Service have changed my life!
I am more at peace now, more calm & after many tests, I chose to not allow negativity to enter, as was clearly explained in the workshop, and I feel free! Before, if I saw people who had hurt me in the past, I would feel that wound again, but today, I felt love and peace and could even hug them, which I could never have before!
Myself and my partner have overcome many obstacles and we are on good grounds now. We are both at peace and understand why it had to happen. We understand now that there is a cause for everything.
I can hear Mighty I AM Presence clearer now, as I learn to listen - and I try to always think before speaking.
I am forever to The Ascended Masters and I will continue this walk of Freedom - I thank you