Excerpt from Ascended Masters & Their Retreats (AMTF)

The Cosmic Being Victory is from Venus. He was the leader of the second group that came from Venus to assist Earth. In all of his actions, for thousands of centuries, he has been victorious. His teacher was Sanat Kumara.

In an unparalleled action, the beloved Victory set aside the Occult Law, which had governed the teaching of the Great White Brotherhood for at least 80,000 years. As a result of this action by Victory, this teaching could now be presented in a simple form, so everyone could understand.

In order that the reader may better understand the impact of this dramatic event, the following explanation is given. Under the action of the Occult Law, this teaching had to be given gradually and sparingly, and it had to be veiled in such a way, that only a dedicated chela could partially understand. Here is an example of a dictation given under the Occult Law. The dictation was given by Ascended Master Kuthumi in the year 1872 and it is being published, right now, in the book “The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnet,” by the Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, Madras 20, India, on page 80:

“The monad performs not only ‘world rings’ or seven major inmetalliations, inherbanations, zoonications (?) and incarnations – but an infinitude of subrings or subordinate whirls, all in series of seven.” And on page 78 of the same book, Kuthumi, answering the question of a student, states: “The number is not quite correct. There are seven objective and seven subjective globes (I HAVE BEEN JUST PERMITTED FOR THE FIRST TIME TO GIVE YOU THE RIGHT FIGURE).”

Beloved Victory (sometimes called “the Tall Master from Venus,” explained to the students: “This teaching should be given in such a way that even a small child could understand, but it should also be presented in a powerful and majestic way. When I, at the Royal Teton (conclave of 1930, which started in the last days of December), issued the fiat which DISCARDED THE OLD OCCULT LAWS for this Earth, it does seem it demanded considerable authority, doesn't it? Yet that authority was mine! I utilized it, and I did not ask for any human opinions about it! It was done! You will find those old laws do not operate any longer!”

“Beloved friends of my heart, I come tonight to bring to you the God-victorious qualification of my life, the fully-gathered cosmic momentum of energy which is mine, resulting from my use of the gift of primal life, through the ages. I am bringing to you my consciousness and the quality of victorious accomplishment, that accomplishment which will accept no compromise, which will accept no defeat, which knows, through the cosmic flame of Cosmic Christ Truth, THAT COSMIC LAW IS ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN TO ACT FOR AND THROUGH THE INDIVIDUAL, when correctly applied. When that Law is consciously applied, the energy is released qualified with perfection and, IF HARMONY IS SUSTAINED, VICTORY IS ASSURED!”

Our eternal gratitude goes to this beloved Cosmic Being for discarding the Occult Law and assisting the efforts of Saint Germain!

Students can call on beloved Victory, even today. If invited, he will assist in overcoming the habits of dope, nicotine and alcohol. IF THE STUDENTS WILL MAKE A CORRESPONDING SELF-EFFORT, VICTORY WILL ALSO HELP THEM IN RE-ESTABLISHING THE GOD-QUALITY OF DETERMINATION AND PERSISTENCY OF EFFORT, SO NECESSARY TO BRING SUCCESS. It was beloved Victory who helped Saint Patrick gain his accomplishment in Ireland. Saint Patrick stood in the rain, determined to achieve his goal through a strong, persistent effort. Likewise, the Philadelphia Group of the Bridge to Freedom—which according to the Masters accomplished more, than any other group in centuries—was successful as a result of a determined, persistent effort, giving decrees at the same time, at the same place, for many months, constantly keeping sight of their goal.

Beloved Victory had expected to return to Venus, but because of certain accomplishments of the student body of Saint Germain, he decided to stay. Let us be sure he continues to stay, by asking for his assistance, which may include giving the following decree:

“I AM THE VICTORY OF THE ACCEPTANCE AND EXPANSION OF THE TEACHING OF THE GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD, Beloved Cosmic Being Victory, see that all sincere seekers of truth will have the opportunity to read this teaching in their own language! Beloved I AM, do it today! Do it to stay! (3X)”

Beloved Victory makes has His focus over the British Isles and also in the Teton Retreat to serve our planet.


Mighty Victory from Manifesting Victorious Accomplishment

You see if all humanity were perfect or ever were, of course the Earth could not hold them here! You see that is the great proof. Therefore, you cannot afford to fill your thoughts and feelings with the same qualities which make you criticize or condemn. Oh, my dear ones, let us put it from another angle. The messengers have said this so many times, but I think it is well worth repeating namely when your attention is upon a discordant quality, whether it is in an individual, a condition, your government, your city or whatever it is, if you allow your minds and feelings to dwell on that point, you will charge that quality into your own feeling world, and it has to out-picture as sure as you are born. You cannot prevent it, my dear ones! Therefore, you cannot afford to do it.

Now suppose there are a lot of things which need correcting. Remember, in the correction of all conditions, just pour forth the mighty power of Light Rays into them. First, remember not be feel angry, critical or condemnatory to any individuals, rather call for them to be FREE from their human creations! That is the only way to move forward and Free all imprisoned life on this planet.

For instance, let us consider the politicians in your city and country. Well a lot of them are wholly destructive. There is no use mincing words about that, but if you are angry, critical or condemnatory because they do things which create injustice, well you are just frustrating your mighty call for the correction of the whole thing. Your feeling accompanies your decree, and don't you see, if it goes forth with a kindly feeling, it releases the FULL POWER OF THE LIGHT IN ITS PURITY AND PERFECTION, to go forth with its ALMIGHTY POWER to render the service. Now mark you, here is a thing which has never been touched upon, but I AM going to do it tonight, for the great need of your more immediate Freedom.

Suppose you are calling a LIGHT RAY forth from your I AM Presence. Suppose, at the same time, a very intense feeling is going forth from you, of condemnation or whatever it might be concerning that condition. Do you know your very intense feeling will go out, and as these separate feelings go forth, they will meet somewhere before they reach that individual, because they are both focused upon the same point, and they have to come together before they reach their destination. Now, that is how a lot of discord and repellent activities that have been released by the feelings of individuals, when their call accompanied by PERFECTLY PURE HARMONIOUSLY FEELINGS WOULD HAVE OTHERWISE BROUGHT THE IMMEDIATE ANSWER.

Now notice that! Your Light Ray goes forth from the I AM Presence, your feeling goes forth here (at the stomach), but somewhere before they meet their objective, they must come together, because they were both called into action by you! Do you see that? It is tremendous! That is why you cannot afford, in your great desire for the full power of response to your application, to let human qualities act!


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 In the Etheric Realm over The British Isles

HIERARCH Beloved Victory

Keynote Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Color of The Flame White with a Golden Radiance

 (From: pathofthemiddleway.org) THE BRIDGE TO SPIRITUAL FREEDOM

Beloved Victory speaks:

“Friends of Light, come with Me into the Garden of My Heart, and enter the Retreat of Victorious Accomplishment over the British Isles. In an Early Golden Age, before the Earth was visited with cataclysmic action, a replica of the Etheric Temple was on the landed surface, and in the Permanent Golden Age now dawning, this Temple shall again manifest to the physical sight of mankind.

The Temple Itself is circular, at the center wherein burns the Glorious Flames of Victorious Accomplishment (White with a Golden Radiance), and then fans out to three other Temples - creating a design similar to a three-leaf clover. This symbol represents the Trinity, the Three-fold Activity of God - referred to by some as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

It was in the location of the early physical Temple that the Beloved Patrick, Who is referred to as the Patron Saint of Ireland, climbed the hill and appealed to Me for assistance, and there He remained until He had passed the rigorous tests which were presented to Him-tempering the steel of His Spirit so that He could continue undaunted in His Service to the Light. The Inner, or circular Temple, is made of crystalline substance, and the three surrounding Temples are of similar material, but in shades of Pink, Gold and Blue; symbolizing Love, Wisdom and Power.

While all Retreats are aligned, one with the other, some have a greater magnetization to a particular activity than others. For instance, SHAMBALLA holds all the Retreats in Her embrace, but those you presently know as The Temple of Liberty (in France), Our Retreat of Victorious Accomplishment, and the Ascension Retreat (at Luxor), have a mighty line of Force connecting one another.

The Retreat in France, whose activities are under the direction of Lady Rowena, My beautiful Divine Complement, has as Its Symbol the Three-fold Activity, symbolized by some as the fleur-de-lis. It is to Our Retreat that the chelas, who are consciously preparing for the Ascension in this embodiment are now directed; for when their inner vehicles indicate that they are sufficiently purified, they must here receive severe Initiations (as they do at Luxor) before they can step into the surging Radiation of Victorious Accomplishment and be received at Luxor by Mighty Serapis and His Brotherhood of the Ascension Flame-to add to the momentum of that Great Power.