“As the great Master of Love stood against a background of gently sloping hills, with the silvery moon shining upon his luminous body, there flowed from his Presence a feeling of the most glorious peace—a stillness that was even reflected in nature, so that the very bodies of the assembled guests did not choose to move, because the comfort of that peace was more precious than the will of any part.

           Into that stillness we entered, deeper, deeper and deeper. Not a blade of grass moved, nor a leaf of a tree, nor a bird on a branch, nor the surface of the lake, and even the breeze that is ever-present within the natural channels of the hills and valleys, was still, reminding me of the coming of the great Kumaras. The enjoyment of that stillness was an active, individual experience, each one with his being pressed against the body of the Silence, until all the quivering nerves and vibrating minds were stilled.

           This is the feeling that the Masters experience when they enter the Great Silence between their activities, but for Lord Maitreya to have brought that feeling of stillness into the lower atmosphere of Earth and to have consciously conveyed it to the bodies of unascended beings was, again, the manifestation of complete mastery of love over every vibration which is less than itself—because every individual that was present brought a vibration representative of some different aspect of limiting experience, and yet that Master Presence of Love (without a word being spoken) gave to every man the promise of what a planet and a people will one day be, when the capacity to create discord has ceased.”


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the cosmic in-breath and higher vibratory frequencies

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the divine plan and our needed cooperation


peace! the need of the hour