Lady Luk

Alice Schutz

Pseudonym: ADK LUK

NOTE: This has been compiled by Scott Guthrie. He assisted Alice with her work up until the time of her transition. Gratitude to Scott!

To a Student,

“There are some who serve in glory, there are some who serve in silence, but before the heart of heaven, service well done is one of Our cherished possessions. God bless you.”

Saint Germain - April 17, 1954

The above statement was written to Alice Schutz from Saint Germain and was placed on the inside sleeve of the Law of Life Group Outline booklet.  Alice served in silence never wanting to be the “big shot.”  Her quiet dedication to service, her expertise on decreeing and her understanding of the Law of Life is what students remember.

Alice was born on April 10th, 1905 just outside of Salem, Oregon.  She grew up on a farm with 4 sisters. She was the only one who worked with her father in the fields. She knew hard work at an early age.  She always knew that the stories in the Bible were not all true and wanted to know the truth.  One night during the Christmas season she was sitting next to the family’s Christmas tree and Jesus appeared.  No words were uttered but she knew that Jesus was real. 

At 18, Alice left the farm and went looking for work.  She got a job helping a family while attending a woman's school to learn business office skills as a secretary. This was during the Depression so jobs were very scarce. She found one of the rare jobs available as a 10-punch key operator.  She always felt that she would travel but not as a wealthy person.

It was around this time (1935/36) that a friend gave Alice a copy of the Magic Presence. She immediately got the feeling that this was it. Soon she found out that Mrs. and Mr. Ballard were travelling the country giving talks. She began caravanning with them and found work traveling with them saving every penny she earned. A hot plate and a few supplies were all she needed keeping her attention and energy focused on the I AM Activity.

Alice only saw one movie in her lifetime. She and the I AM staff went to the movie theatre to go see a new movie, “The Wizard of Oz.”  When looking for seating for the movie, Alice was placed next to Mr. Ballard.  He mentioned that the Emerald city was very similar to the Temple of Truth on the inner realms. 

She traveled with the Ballard staff from 1936 through the mid 1940's. Much of the information in the Law of Life books came from her detailed notes and the knowledge she gained during this time. The “I AM” activity changed after Mr. Ballard made his ascension. The distribution of the books ended and someone had to be a card-carrying member of the activity to gain access to Ascended Masters’ material. Alice helped write the I AM Activity Fundamentals during this time. She did not agree with making dedicated students go through the bi-annual process of renewing their fundamental classes. She always felt that the time spent for that could be used for decreeing and service.

During this time, Mrs. Ballard told the students not to pay attention to a new group that was forming, later to be known as “The Bridge to Freedom.”  Alice found out about the group and decided to check them out.  There were many rumors about a new messenger.  Once she found out more, read a dictation and got inner promptings, she decided to join the group.

The Bridge to Freedom was conceived and created because the original “I AM” Activity was not keeping up with the effort to distribute the material from the Great Ones to the largest possible swatch of humanity.  The “I AM” Activity (Saint Germain Press) made serious changes to who could read the material and stopped any impetus of translating the material in other languages. 

She moved to Philadelphia be part of the “Philadelphia group” led by Frances Ekey. Some of the group’s accomplishments, which there were many, are described in some of the Werner Schroeder books. Alice Schultz became a secretary of the “Bridge to Freedom, working at Geraldine Innocente’s house. The Masters gave the messages to Geraldine Innocente, usually beginning at 4 in the morning. The messages were recorded on a tape recorder. Alice transcribed the recorded messages and sent them to Mrs. Ekey, the deputy editor of the “Bridge to Freedom”. Alice was also a Field Representative and Secretary for the Thomas Printz Private Bulletin.  The Masters had a few dedicated students who became Ascended Master Accredited “Field Agents.”  This meant that they could teach and speak about the Laws of Life to the masses. This accreditation is greatly mis-understood and only was given when one became well-versed in the Law of Life and dedicated to the cause of Freedom.

The more dedicated students in the Bridge to Freedom activity received personal correspondence from the Ascended Ones from time to time. One such time was on February 14th during the early years of the Bridge to Freedom.  Some of the students whose Twin Ray was Ascended received a Valentine’s Day card from them.  Most were hand written and signed. Alice received one from her Twin Ray, Djwal Kul



Alice Schutz saw a need to create a manual to assist new students into the Ascended Master material that didn’t or couldn’t read the original “I AM” books. She also wanted to show that the original (I AM Activity) and new (Bridge to Freedom) material was from the same source – The Ascended realm.  Alice used her notes during both activities, checked and re-checked them and sent the books to be published.  Book I was published on February 27, 1959.  Book II was published on April 20, 1960. The original intent was to publish both books as one but the price of printing had risen significantly so each book was printed separately. It should be noted that Law of Life Book I was written on the back of the envelopes used to save money. ADK LUK (Alice) used to say that the Masters never waste the resources They are using. 

Later other books, Life and Teachings of Jesus and Mary, Life and Teaching by the Divine Beings and the Law of Life Song book and material like the Law of Life Enlightener came out as the need demanded.

After 1960, Alice traveled the country speaking to different groups that had as their focus, the “I AM” Presence. She eventually settled in Oklahoma and wrote more Law of Life books. She lived there for about 16 years before moving to southern Colorado – Colorado City, Colorado just south of Pueblo.

Alice Schutz’s Ascended name is Lady Luk.  She is the Twin Ray of Ascended Master Djwal Kul.  Her Tone Key is "Aloha Oe". Her Electronic Pattern is of a Hand with a Torch similar to that of the Goddess of Liberty. 

Alice transitioned into the Higher Realms on 14th January 1994


Former embodiments include:

·      Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, French General during the Revolutionary war.

·      Priest at Luxor, Egypt who would come out every day and walk Jesus as a very young boy into the Ascension Temple for initiations.  This is described in Law of Life Teachings by Jesus and Mary.

·      A member of the Lewis and Clark expedition

Watch a wonderful presentation given by Scott Guthrie on his time with Alice