



From I AM The Way – Bridge to Spiritual Freedom – 1970

By Beloved Jesus – Cosmic Angel of Unity


Greetings, My Friends, "I AM" He Whom you have known through the ages, through the Christian Dispensation unto this day, as Jesus, the Christ! I salute and I bow to the Glorious Christ in each of you, My co-servers in God's Vineyard on this Earth!

Now please, blessed ones, withdraw your consciousness from anything that is of the human…a human personality or trait of any kind. See before this lectern a glorious Cross of David in scintillating White Light and flashing from every point the blazing Blue Flame of God's Holy Will and Protection. See this magnificent Cross expand until the whole podium is within Its embrace.

Today I have the great Honor to say that Our Beloved Holy AEolus is standing here to My right and to My left, Our beautiful Sanat Kumara. Beside Holy AEolus is Lord Confucius and to the side of Sanat Kumara, Lord Lanto. Standing directly behind Me is the Mighty Archangel Michael, My Cosmic Father - Glory be to His Holy Name!

This is truly a Cosmic Moment and before I tell you that which it is, I would like you to visualize Our Great Lord of the World Gautama, Who is in the atmosphere over Long Island today, with the Mighty Light of His Causal Body completely enfolding this Island. Behind Him see a Glorious Pathway of Light for on this day, at the Cosmic Edict of Beloved Alpha and Omega, We have a Representative from every Sun in this particular System. This Channel of Light has resulted from the Radiation of Their Beings as They travelled Earthward. Think...We have an Envoy from every Planet in this System! Do you know what this means? This signifies a unified activity, and "I AM" here today to reveal to you My True Identity: "I AM" MICAH, ANGEL OF UNITY!


An Excerpt from an Address by BELOVED MASTER JESUS

Ascended Master Love & Truth Vol. 1 – 3/28/1953

“And then I Entered embodiment for My Final Mission, and The Lord of the World Himself revealed the Plan by which an Initiate was to embody and bring the Fullness of the Nature of God through His Consciousness, His Word and His Works, which would be the Permanent Record for the entire Race of the Christ embodied.

Do you remember the solemn hush as The Lord of The World described that Mission, up to, through and including the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and the Ascension? Do you remember the White Robed Figures Who rose as One to volunteer for that Service? There were 36 Who were qualified to come, and of that 36 My Teacher and Master, Lord Maitreya, Chose Myself, and He Chose also My Beloved Mother, and your Great Heart Friend, Saint Germain, and We Represented the Trinity through which the Mission of The Christ was to be Manifested.

Then, it was My Opportunity to call forth My Twelve Disciples, and those Other Blessed Ones Who would assist Me in a future day, and Together We All Knelt before The King of Kings, and He placed His Thumb on Our Forehead, His Hand on the Top of Our Heads, and He Blessed Us, and Lord Maitreya Anointed Each One with the Spiritual Oil of the Cosmic Christ. Then, We were designated to go into a particular Temple, until The Lords of Incarnation could prepare for Us suitable timing with the Stars, so that All might attain Their Majority at the proper moment, and of course the Beloved Joseph and Mary went long before I did and some of the Disciples too, and Elizabeth and John The Baptist, and All Those Who were to prepare for My Coming. And as Each One left, We gathered together with that Strong Heart Feeling and Prayer that We might remember when the Bonds of Forgetfulness and the pull of the Earth Life had dimmed Our Mission, Our VOW, Our Promise.


Explanatory Note: Presented here are some of the highlights and brief descriptions of historical events which occurred during the last embodiment of beloved Ascended Master Jesus.

Preparation for the Mission

Jesus was born at a time when the collective constructively‑qualified energy of the Earth was at its lowest level since the days of Atlantis. His coming and successful mission turned the tide.

Jesus was born without karma. According to a dictation given by Jesus, in 1953, in previous embodiments he was Appollonius from Tyana, Zoroaster in Persia, and Joshua, of Biblical account.

Jesus' mission had to comply with the laws, as they applied to the Earth at that time. He did not receive special privileges, such as the gift of consecutive consciousness. He was bound by the “bands of forgetfulness,” like any other lifestream seeking his evolution upon the planet Earth. Therefore, when he awoke as a beautiful baby, in Mother Mary's arms, or later, when he grew older, he did not remember any former embodiments.

It was well that a great momentum had been established between Mother Mary and the angelic kingdom, because shortly after the birth of Jesus, an angel brought news of impending disaster. One night, Mother Mary saw Joseph standing in the doorway. He was deeply troubled. Joseph said that he had just received a warning. He was not sure of the source. Was it an angel and was it of God? The impression on his consciousness was to flee at once and go to Egypt. Joseph had misgivings. He felt it was unfair for a newborn child, having such a mission, to so soon be the subject of the cruelty of Herod. Together they prayed, and Mother Mary received confirmation in her heart that they should go.

As behind them the blood of the infants flowed in the streets, Mother Mary (and Jesus, later on) vowed then she would personally assist each child that was involved in such an act of brutality, to gain the ascension in a future embodiment. These children had died because of their mission. Mother Mary took her small baby, and together with Joseph, left the shelter of their home and journeyed to Egypt, a land filled with dangerous wildlife. It was a long, tedious ride into Egypt, with many sleepless nights, fleeing before Herod's soldiers.

When Jesus was a very small boy, he already manifested a purity of spirit. His senses were also well developed. He had perfect sight, perfect hearing, perfect taste, touch and smell. Besides this, he had great intuition.

Jesus did not live in a “privileged, charmed world.” He lived in the midst of so‑called imperfection. He was called upon to rub shoulders with the poor, and the sick of mind and body. There were no public institutions at that time to remove such individuals from public life. The beautiful boy, dressed in his simple white tunic and the sandals that Joseph had made for him, was exposed to the pressures of thoughts from many planes, with only the love of Mother Mary and Joseph protecting him.

Jesus' parents were his earliest teachers. Mother Mary told him that it was entirely up to him, to either accept, as real the world filled with imperfections, such as the appearance of illness and distress, or to “magnify the Lord.” Jesus told the students that this lesson helped him immensely in his later mission and “preserved his sanity many times.” Joseph also often applied this principle.

Mother Mary stated there is always that choice – to either tune in to and magnify the appearance world, or to choose to magnify the power of God, by turning the beam of one's energy and attention to one's I AM Presence, holding one's attention focused there until the inner self gains in confidence. When young Jesus came to Mother Mary with bruises on his feet and knees, she would say: “We shall not magnify the hurt or that scar. We shall magnify our Lord.” Then, turning her attention to the perfect pattern, the man made in God's image and likeness, Mother Mary, Joseph and Jesus would draw the healing and peace currents of their God-Presence through the scars, until the appearance of imperfection would disappear. This they did systematically, every day. Thus, together they built a momentum that was to be the foundation for meeting the difficult days ahead; yes, for overcoming death itself.

At the tender age of five, Jesus entered the temple of Luxor and, as it was with Mother Mary, the severe discipline of the priests of the temple was re‑experienced. Mother Mary was not permitted to witness his training. She had to wait outside the temple in the hot sun, shaded by a fig tree, while young Jesus received instructions from early morning until well into the afternoon. Sometimes, after leaving the temple, Mother Mary noticed beads of perspiration on Jesus’ forehead, and deep circles under his eyes. He had to undergo tests and disciplines from which full-grown men and women have shrunk, yet Mother Mary could not interfere. It was her obligation to give him complete freedom, a freedom within which there is no fear.

When Jesus reached maturity, with the assistance of Joseph, he became a skilled carpenter. Later on, Joseph made many important contributions in establishing the Christian Era. It was he who first introduced Jesus to the disciples.

During Jesus' growing years it was Joseph's service to be his teacher. When Jesus' contact with the Ascended Master Lord Maitreya was developed to the point where there was practically no veil between them anymore, Lord Maitreya became his new teacher.

One day Joseph told Mother Mary that his mission in life was nearly accomplished. He asked her to stay in Bethany after he left this plane. There she would be in the hands of friends. Jesus, he said, was to go to India, to receive some important message. Shortly thereafter, Joseph passed from this scene of life.

Joseph had not been gone very long when Jesus found himself going alone, on foot, to India, in a simple, solitary pilgrimage. He entered India, following the vague directions of Joseph, having to depend on of his own I AM Presence. He came upon a group of people seated around a teacher, and sat silently with them. The teacher's name was “Great Divine Director,” an Ascended Master. The Master did not greet Jesus, but mentally projected to him the words “I AM the Resurrection and the Life” and “I AM the Ascension in the Light.” That was the entire contact between Jesus and the teacher. Jesus got up and walked back home, grateful that he had received the key words for his mission.

After Jesus returned from Egypt, prior to his public ministry, he and Mother Mary went back to Luxor, Egypt, once more. Here they stayed for three years. Both of them mastered the final initiation of the Luxor Retreat, which is the conscious removal of the life currents from the body, and the returning of them, through the controlled breath. This was done to prepare them for Jesus' supreme test. Twelve Masters stood watch over their bodies during that period, and both Jesus and Mother Mary passed the test victoriously.


Performing His Mission

Jesus' mission started at the age of thirty. His ministry lasted three years. This three‑year time limit was predetermined by Cosmic Law. He spoke in simple terms and in easy-to-understand parables, so that the man on the street could understand. From a spiritual viewpoint, Jesus touched less than 500 lifestreams. This was partially due to the difficult conditions of travel, prevailing at that time.

During the time Jesus was engaged in his mission, Mother Mary stayed with Martha and the “other Mary” (possibly Mary of Bethany), on the outskirts of Bethany. Here there was an old mill that had been used to grind corn. There was a certain peacefulness in the simplicity of country living. Mother Mary enjoyed this environment and wove garments for Jesus. Once a day she walked up a small and grassy mound, to a great flat-topped rock. There she spent several hours in deep and earnest communion with God. In this manner she built the momentum and the pattern upon which Jesus and Mother Mary later ascended. When Jesus rested between trips, he visited Mother Mary at Bethany, and in those moments both found happiness during this difficult time.

Jesus' first so‑called miracle was the changing of water into “wine” at the wedding in Cana. He turned his attention to God, and through the energies of his spiritual momentum, changed the substance of that water into electronic light. It was the people, who unconsciously qualified it with what they desired to manifest. Therefore, the substance they drank tasted to them like wine.

The “feeding of the five thousand” was accomplished using similar principles. Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fish, using the Law of Precipitation. The bread and fish were multiplied by drawing together electronic light‑substance, the substance which is around us in the atmosphere. This substance was drawn into form, and then lowered into a lower vibratory level, enabling the people to eat what looked and tasted like fish. (As recorded in the book, “Unveiled Mysteries,” Saint Germain used the same concepts of Law in giving Mr. Ballard a milky liquid, which was also produced from electronic light substance. This greatly refreshed and revitalized Mr. Ballard.)

From early childhood on, Jesus was taught to magnetize PEACE. That peace became a great reservoir. It enabled Jesus to say with authority, “Peace, be still.” The turbulent waters of the sea of Galilee responded. This feeling of peace was also present, when he said, “Love your enemies, treat kindly those who spitefully use you.”

Invoking all the gathered momentum of LIFE EVERLASTING, and directing that energy into the heart of Lazarus, Jesus was able to render a service. The energy he called forth was more powerful than the moaning, crying, curiosity, skepticism and other qualities of an imperfect nature. Acting through the people who were present. Lazarus responded, and came forth from the so‑called dead.

While performing his many miracles, Jesus had the spiritual assistance of Almighty God, his teacher Lord Maitreya, and his mother, Mother Mary. Jesus, in a dictation, urged the students to be prepared, at all times, to use their God‑given abilities. One never knows when this opportunity will come. He said: “The moment is NOW! Do not consult the calendar as to when to do a certain thing. I was not told beforehand what to experience. I had no written scroll, saying on such and such a date the Holy Spirit would descend, and on such and such a date I was to heal.”

The Master Jesus used his hands, almost constantly, as conductors of the energy drawn from God, and charged them, through the electrons of his great lifestream, with healing power, for those requiring assistance. HE AND HIS DISCIPLES HEALED BY THE “LAYING ON OF HANDS.” In this manner, the electronic particles of the Master's energy were charged into the physical structure, as well as into the mental, emotional and etheric bodies of those requiring assistance.

Jesus stated, in a dictation to the students in 1961, “Through misinterpretation of the Law, I was unfortunately set apart as the ‘Only Begotten Son.’ I came to bring the example of eternal life, overcoming, through the assistance of Divine Beings, the experience called death. Then I had to convince my disciples that I still lived and moved among them, resurrected. All of these things I did because the world required then, and now, the coming of a perfect one, one who can fulfill the purpose, and represent on Earth, one Heavenly Father. Have you ever been whipped in public, with a crown of thorns pressed into your brow? Have you had your garments rent? No! The things which have happened to you during this embodiment are very slight compared to those experiences through which I voluntarily passed to show that the son of God was the master of energy in this world.”

In 1961, beloved Mother Mary said, “The diabolical forces still roam through the world, emphasizing the wrong part of Jesus’ mission. They glorify a crucified Christ, muting a resurrected Christ.” Jesus' words add emphasis as follows: “The crucified Christ, which the orthodox world places before the people, is the symbol of vicarious atonement. It is the way of the outer self to let some other lifestream carry your sin. THE CRUCIFIED CHRIST IS TO BE REPLACED BY THE ASCENDED CHRIST.” It is up to each individual to atone for his own sins.

Addressing himself to the present accuracy and authenticity of the Bible, the Maha Chohan explained, in 1960, that there were some Biblical scholars who embellished upon the original text.

In his dictations Jesus again and again stressed that the miracles of 2,000 years ago can again be accomplished TODAY by the students. He also mentioned that only since the 1927 dispensation (“I AM Activity”), has the apex of that service been reached which he expects to render. As part of this service OPPORTUNITY is given to the students of Ascended Masters, as seldom before in the history of the earth. “These students,” he said, “alone are the hope of the Earth. Churches have had their opportunities for 2,000 years to set mankind free, yet the people have grown into greater and greater bondage. I implore you, in the name of the Father of all life, IF YOU LOVE ME, DO THAT WHICH I HAVE DONE!”

After the disciples and the Master had finished the “Last Supper,” and had gone to Gethsemane, Mother Mary, another person whose name was also Mary, and Martha gathered together the linen cloth which Mother Mary had woven, and folded it carefully. Mother Mary knew, deep within herself, that within one day that cloth would enfold the body of her yet vital, beautiful son. The cup of the last supper was wrapped in a napkin and given to Joseph of Arimathea, for safe‑keeping. Then Mother Mary engaged in earnest prayer, for the next day was to bring the greatest trial of her life.

Several times before, Jesus and Mother Mary had discussed the various points that were to be emphasized during his ministry. Often they talked over the necessity of passing through the appearance of death, in order to prove the immortality of life.


The Crucifixion and the Resurrection

At Luxor it was comparatively easy for the highly-trained initiate to withdraw the senses from contact with the world around him and suspend the breath, so that, to the outer sense, the body was “dead.” However, to perform this act consciously, amid hundreds of vicious consciousnesses, is much more difficult. Yet, in order to satisfy the outer consciousness, it was necessary for mankind itself to actually perform and execute the crucifixion. Otherwise, mankind would never have believed that the resurrection was authentic, and that it was not a trick of a fakir or a manifestation of hypnosis.

Mother Mary said that neither she nor Jesus relished the necessity of having to pass through this experience. When Jesus asked that the “cup” be taken from him, it was because no one knew for certain, whether or not the public demonstration would be successful. Through such a public experience, all of the astral and psychic viciousness, that had accumulated since the “fall of man” was directed through those embodied individuals who allowed themselves to be used as pawns, or shells, of that force.

John assisted Mother Mary, in holding to that Perfect Concept of man as co‑creator with God, so that Jesus might pass through that initiation, resuscitating his physical form, and resurrecting it on Easter Morning, for the benefaction of a doubting discipleship.

Mother Mary and John understood how to disconnect, through Light and love, the gravity pull of the physical body. This they applied as the cross was raised, thus preventing the tearing of Jesus’ body. Continuing with this account, Jesus' last words were not “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” but, rather, “Father, how thou hast glorified me; into Thy hands I command my spirit.” Then the words, “It is finished,” were heard coming from the direction of the cross.

Jesus did experience pain from the physical abuse inflicted upon him, prior to the crucifixion. But he did not suffer while being on the cross, because he was master of the situation, and had withdrawn from the body sufficiently so that he did not feel pain. Unfortunately, some churches focus upon the agony and distress of Jesus, while being on the cross.

Jesus told Mother Mary he had received a special new dispensation (from the Karmic Board), under which it was possible for him to visit with her and John for thirty years, to give them certain points of Law that here‑to‑fore were not allowed to be given. As part of the plan to anchor the spiritual currents and expand the teachings, it was required that at all times either John or Mother Mary were to stay in Bethany. Jesus added that he was also permitted to visit with Mother Mary and others, for forty days, prior to his ascension, to explain the Law to them.

When Jesus contacted his disciples after the resurrection, he was no longer operating in his physical body; he was operating in his Christ Self. While in the tomb, in cooperation with the Maha Chohan and Archangel Gabriel, Jesus had transmuted his physical body, by sending light rays from his I AM Presence, drawing the purified essence of the physical body into the Christ‑Self.

Jesus was then functioning in his pure light body, in which every atom and electron was under Jesus' conscious control. Therefore, he could vary the vibratory action of the Christ‑Self at will, enabling him to make it visible and tangible to the degree he wished. This light body required no food or drink, and had no flesh or bones, but Jesus could make it appear to look like a flesh body to the disciples, to convince them of his tangible presence. Raising the vibratory action of his Christ‑Self body, he could go through walls of buildings without difficulty. Having gained mastery over matter (energy, substance and vibration), he could even assist the disciples in doing physical work.

Why did Jesus not simply ascend from the cross? Mother Mary explained that Jesus could have done so, but the action of the Resurrection Flame was chosen, to strengthen the faith of the disciples, and to establish a focus for the Christian Era.


The Ascension

While Mother Mary was staying at Bethany, she walked up the hill alone each day, weaving a pattern of light. While on her way, she prayed and sent her love and gratitude to God, sending forth her invocations for Jesus' victory. This pathway of Light pierced through the psychic realm, connecting with the consciousness of Vesta. Over this pathway Jesus later would walk in his triumph. The rising of energy from Mary’s heart built the pattern of the Ascension Flame, used to gain Jesus' victory. His ascension was witnessed by five hundred people.

Jesus appeared to Mother Mary and the disciples, sometimes for minutes, sometimes for hours, for forty days. In this way their feelings became anchored in the supremacy of the laws of Almighty God. The disciples had to learn that it is possible for EVERY student of truth to apply the Law and have the victory of its manifestation. Beloved Ascended Lady Master Mother Mary said in a dictation, “WHAT ONE HAS DONE, ALL MAY ONE DAY DO.”

Reflections of Jesus

Regarding his last embodiment, Jesus explained:

“My ministry was one of action. Every day, before I left the house, great numbers of people had gathered, primarily to receive relief from all manner of discomfort and disease of mind and body. Very few came to learn the application by which I had achieved such prayers, to give surcease from distress. I had learned NEVER, under any circumstances, to go forth to serve UNTIL I HAD FIRST ANCHORED MY CONSCIOUSNESS, FEELING AND SELF IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD. Only when I was firmly established in that unshakable faith, that indestructible fortress of His power and presence, would I endeavor to convey that consciousness of his goodness, through words and works, to my fellowman. Earnest men and women, filled with zeal and enthusiasm, often rush forth without such personal contemplation and communion with the God-Self.

“When the fishermen in the boat were sore distressed because of the raging sea, where did I receive the power which stilled the waters? I had, through the assistance of both my mother and father, and Lord Maitreya, been taught from childhood to magnetize peace. That peace became a great reservoir, and so I said to the waters, ‘Peace, be still.’ And naturally THEY RESPONDED, BECAUSE THERE WAS MORE ENERGY ALREADY DRAWN AROUND ME QUALIFIED WITH GOD-PEACE THAN ALL OF THE TURBULENCE OF THE SEA OF GALILEE.

 “Before I came into the world of form, I was ‘charged’ with a mission, to manifest unto all mankind the full perfection of our Father who is in heaven. YOU WERE ALSO SO ‘CHARGED’ WHEN YOU WERE CREATED. NOW, YOUR MISSION IS SIMILAR TO MY OWN!”

Jesus asked the students of the Bridge to Freedom to decree with feeling. He said that no decree has efficacy unless it is accompanied with great feeling.

After his ascension, Jesus became the Chohan of the Sixth Ray. On January 1, 1956, Jesus, together with Kuthumi, became World Teachers. Ascended Lady Master Nada is now the Chohan of the Sixth Ray.

Jesus and Mother Mary are functioning today as Hierarchs of the Resurrection Temple. We can call to them to blaze the Resurrection Flame through our bodies, to re-store them to the original condition of youth and health.

The keynote of beloved Ascended Master Jesus is found in the song, “Joy to the World.”


(From ‘Friendship with the Gods’ – Bridge to Freedom)


“We have Legions and Legions of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings and Angelic Host waiting, waiting ... waiting patiently for a heart call to assist someone on this Planet….”


“I speak to you as Friends, very dear Friends, in your own personal experience when you have not seen a Friend, or have not been in touch with  him for a long time, great love from your heart reaches out to embrace him. Feel the Love, My dear ones, which I am sending from My Heart to yours. Feel that soft pink substance form a mantle about you … keep it close to you always. Love forms a great bond between all of us as you are striving for Unity with the Christ Consciousness.

How many times you have heard - "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life!" and I repeat "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life, of the Perfection in each of you this very hour. And since there is no favoritism in Heaven's Realms, I say "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life of all mankind. Now you can make all the affirmations…. "I believe, I believe, I believe," but until you have within every cell and atom of your beings that conviction "I BELIEVE", you are giving lip service!

Children, I am not scolding you ... I am endeavoring to help you. So many have just to proceed another rung on the Ladder of Light into the Christ Consciousness, but while you yet wear a flesh garment you must ever be on your guard. And those blessed Angels of Violet Fire who are still in your auras have done much for you these past few days. When They go into the Higher Realms today, They have asked Me to tell you that if you will send a Blessing of Purification for some particular loved one -- a parent, a friend, a relative -- They will carry out that mission for you. You have made Them very comfortable these past days because of your harmonious radiation, and They are so desirous of serving with you.

We have Legions and Legions of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings and Angelic Host waiting, waiting ... waiting patiently for a heart call to assist someone on this Planet. When you attain the Christ Consciousness, dear ones, you can see the physical discord but it does not register in your consciousness, and that is why I counsel you to enter into the Christ Consciousness so you can serve in expanded capacity to remove the perplexing problems which are evident upon this Earth. And if you will call for Peace and for Love for all Nations, you will soon see Peace manifest. I do not say Permanent Peace ... but already you can see there is a softening in the hearts of various Rulers and Heads of Nations when viewed with the Inner Sight. Oh, that is true - sometimes they require just one more Call of say "Help them, 0 Father-Mother God, to bring forth the Divine Plan for their Nation."

So often have you heard the statement The Father and I are One" and when you can truly speak from the "I AM" within you, you are the Voice of The Father. Have you not been told that everyone is a cell in the Body of the Eternal! We have repeated this over and over. Make this statement a part of your feeling worlds -- "I AM" that "I AM"J There will come a certain quality in your affirmations that will go directly to the point and render the service quickly. Remember I said "Lazarus, come forth" .•. and it was accomplished. I,_ through God's Holy Grace, knew that it was the Power of The Father within WHO did the Service. Accept into your feelings the CONVICTION of the Truth of which I speak! Be convinced .... have Faith .... have Hope and Love will come to those hearts in blazing Light!”


Address (Excerpts) 12/27/1954 - Ascended Masters Love & Truth Vol 1 - Philadelphia, Pa

Dearly Beloved, in this season when your hearts have called to Me, when your Love has risen on the sweet essence of perfume of your own individual feeling worlds into My Heart, it has brought by the radiation of that very Love, My Presence back into the atmosphere of this Earth and into your presence here this evening. As I Look upon you and as I Hear the magnificent decrees and fiats that you are giving forth on behalf of the Souls of men of which Mankind at large are not even aware, how deeply grateful is My Heart, when I Think of the handful of men and women that I was able to reach in My era. And of that handful how few comprehended even the simplest Principles of The Law as It was presented. And when that Law was presented to the consciousness of that handful just three were able to glean the Glory and the Victory of the Ascension.

Magnificent is the Activity of this hour. By your decrees many lifestreams have entered those glorious Ascension Temples at Inner Levels and have been given the opportunity to complete their evolution without the necessity of passing again into the world of form. It does make the heart glad that there is such a thing as progress and the increased capacity of Mankind to grasp and understand the Truth. For many thousands of people can understand the Word of Truth today than in the era in which I was Privileged and Honored to present The Law.

There is always, Beloved Hearts, a double activity in bringing the Greater Law to Mankind. The activity of ‘Magnetization’ and of drawing the actual worded expression. And then the activity of ‘Absorption’ by the consciousness to which such Truth is presented. The Greatest Truth presented by the greatest Teacher or Avatar would amount to nothing if there was not a receptive magnetic current and field of consciousness to make that Truth Its own. And to weave into the Truth the Primal Life Essence of the individual giving some greater magnificence, marvel, majesty and perfection for the Earth. What is the purpose of a Great Teacher without a Great Student?



By The Beloved Maha Chohan                                                    

Dearly Beloved Children,

The approach of the Christmas holidays brings the presence of the Masters very much closer to the consciousness of the people of Earth, and we shall appreciate any particular thought you may care to give on the unfoldment of the higher nature of the race.

As this season is most advantageous for our spiritual harvest, we press into the seven-week period all the light that the Cosmic Law will allow, by the upreaching of mankind's thought and feeling to the octave of celestial giving. Therefore, the intensification of the calls and invocations of the students at this time doubles and trebles our opportunities to give. So, if you can lift your thought heavenward, particularly during the Christmas week itself, you will have afforded us a personal blessing, as the greatest good that we can give is more of ourselves.

The CHRISTMAS SPIRIT begins to flow around the first of December, and carries through for seven weeks, until the 12th or 14th of January. The Christ Spirit is an outpouring of love and all the perfect qualities from the angels, Masters, and other Divine Beings, and it pours over Earth like a golden rain of beautiful particles of light. Each particle is like a nine-pointed star, and the entire lower atmosphere of Earth and the bodies of all the people are enveloped in it. It increases in power until Christmas Eve when its potent presence is almost palpably felt by even the coarsest outer minds. To that outpouring of all the Celestial Beings is added a tremendous radiation from the retreats and sanctuaries throughout the world, under the direct guardianship and guidance of the Masters and conscious chelas.