Beloved Goddess of Liberty Speaks

Journal 3, pp 25-29 - JULY 4, 1955

“I AM the Spirit of Liberty, the Guardian Presence of that virtue from the heart of the great Sun of this system, endowed with the responsibility, the obligation, and the opportunity to cultivate and keep liberty and love of liberty alive within the consciousness of the evolutions progressing upon the planets of this system.

It has been my service through the ages, since I first accepted the assignment of magnetizing, condensing, holding and radiating the quality of liberty from the electronic belt around the Sun, to nourish and develop the desire for liberty within all life, to keep alive within the minds and hearts of the people of the planets that innate cosmic quality which is part of their own God heritage.

…Into many a heart have I anchored My Flame, by the side of many an earnest man and woman have I stood and, pouring the pressure of my love of liberty throughout that one, enabled them in the face of personal peril, to stand against despotism and tyranny. Then they built again a sanctuary of liberty of conscience, liberty of opportunity and liberty to pursue that course which their hearts desired.

Those individuals in Europe who were stirred to find a place where they might worship their God in freedom, were stirred by the flame within my heart and by the innate quality within their own immortal flame which responded to the pressure of my own. When this took place, men and women forsaking homes, fortunes, family and security, struck out into the “unknown” across uncharted seas and established within America the first pulsation of a New Era. Thus was created that cosmic cradle into which, at the proper moment, the Flame of Freedom could be established which shall be sustained as the heartbeat of the Golden Age, represented by that blessed Being, beloved Saint Germain.

By the sides of the pilgrims and early patriots, driven (against their will sometimes) from the comparative safety and security of their lives in other lands, either myself or one of liberty's angels stood and became the power and pressure of conviction which carried them across the seas to serve the cause of liberty, to establish a new nation under God, where all men and women, created equal, might have opportunity to plant their roots. Then, in time, when the great Violet Ray was ready, men and women who loved liberty have begun to spread the spiritual harvest of those early years.

Beloved ones, Liberty is a most unusual activity of life! I want you to consider it carefully, because as the class closes and the vibratory action of the Elohim of Peace enfolds you, locking within your world the radiation of the Ascended Masters which has been drawn forth here, you will be at liberty, returning into your own homes, sanctuaries and spheres of influence, to do what you will with the instruction, the radiation and the inspiration. That is a great responsibility!

In the life of the Master Jesus, factual as well as mystic, there are many lessons that have been discerned by the student and there are some that have not come to the attention of the outer mind's consciousness. One such lesson I would like to bring to your attention is the judging of the Christ before Pilate in its mystical sense. The Master Jesus represents the right use of life, the qualified energy of life going forth to bless, to heal, to illumine, to set free, Barabbas represents the misuse of life in the imprisonment of energy in discord, Pilate represents the personal self, washing his hands saying: “what is truth” and allowing the liberty to use life in its destructive element through Barabbas while the constructive Christus was condemned. Each one of you is that personality and, when you release “Barabbas” in vital energies charged with discord (and even through indifference refuse to allow the Christ radiation to act through yourself), YOU ARE MISUSING LIBERTY!

When you were first created out of the hearts of Helios and Vesta, or from whatever Sun you belong, I stood by your side. That is why I am known as the Cosmic Mother. When you first felt yourself as an individualization and realized individuality, it was I who said: “You are at liberty now to use the gift of life as you will.” Free-will conferred upon you, you began to exercise the heritage of liberty and at inner levels released only the power of the Christ, for there was not yet the “Barabbas” of human creation. Then came the time after mankind embodied on the Earth plane when man learned to create discord from primal life, taking liberty with the gift of God which is life itself and fashioning imperfection out of that life!

This resulted in the requirement of a Karmic Board, to designate those who were to embody and regulate individual and mass karma. At each such choosing, as you have been told, one lifestream was chosen to embody and two remained at inner levels. There again in the office of Cosmic Mother, it has been my opportunity and blessing to say to you: “You are at liberty, child, to take incarnation and again, drawing on primal life, endeavor to fulfill your divine plan.” Again you grasped the gift of liberty and, with the breath of life within you, have taken great liberties with that life. Then after your “three score and ten,” when the soul was weary, the flesh body disintegrated to a point where it was of little use. Again my office required that I say to that soul: “You are at liberty to lay down the flesh vehicle for a time.”

One day, when your service to this planet has been completed, when you have taken the stand within the immortal flame of life within your heart that you will not take dishonest liberties with life, when you allow the Christ-Spirit in mind and feelings, in word and action, to go free, one day you will have served enough! That shall be the happiest day in all my experience when I say to you: “Beloved, you are at liberty to be released from the wheel of birth and death forever, at liberty to come home and go out no more.” For this moment I long, as every mother longs for the return of her children to their perfect estate, and for this I serve with you and by your side. Use not Liberty lightly! Use it wisely, in the consciousness that what you do with life today will build your tomorrow.

Beloved friends of great Light, today, on the anniversary of the birth of our great nation (July 4th), as we bless her and we bless each and every lifestream who has contributed to her present light, we are utilizing the energies of your class and we are opening the great Causal Body that has been developed through your decrees. At the close of the address, as you sing to Liberty's angels* that blessing will cover the entire Western Hemisphere in a benediction of protection, peace and power. From Greenland and Alaska, down through Canada, the United States and Central and South America, that radiation will pour, bringing a sense of closer brotherhood.'‘



Manifesting Victorious Accomplishment  - page 90

“I want you to feel, tonight, beloved ones that, your wondrous Goddess of Liberty, that wondrous Cosmic Being, has watched over America with Saint Germain for all these years, more than two hundred years! Do you think those great Cosmic Beings give time and energy, unless they think they see an opportunity to render mankind a great, lasting service? Today, you sometimes become discouraged at a few disappointments. Remember that Saint Germain, for four hundred years, has worked for the freedom of Europe and still today, when there looks like little chance of restoring the Victory of the Light, he is working on with a determination, that the light shall yet rule in Europe as well as America!”

“You do have the greatest friends in the world in the Ascended Masters, the Legions of Light and the Cosmic Beings! Do you know, beloved ones, how gloriously, Saint Germain, the Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Light have drawn the Powers of Light to your America? The Goddess of Liberty has interceded with the heart of the great Central Sun, for the freedom of America, because once that is established, then, the freedom of the Earth must come! It is the only place on Earth, where there is a hope for it to be established, so it may be spread to the rest of the Earth!

You do not realize, beloved ones, what it means to live in a land and country that has been drenched with human blood! You cannot realize what that means, and we shall not attempt to tell you, but just remember, your America has had the least of it, of any nation on Earth, and for a long period! You perhaps do not quite understand that. I cannot take the time, tonight, to go into the explanation, but, for a long period your North America has had comparatively little blood shed. The whole world is awakening with a speed and power which delights us very much, and there will come a fearlessness which, ere long, will not tolerate a dictator on the face of this Earth!