Excerpt from ‘Ascended Masters & Their Retreats’ compiled by Werner & Annette Schroeder (AMTF)
Serapis Bey is an embodied seraphim, who came to Earth as a guardian spirit, to assist the people of Earth. He was a priest in the Ascension Temple on Poseidonis, a remnant of the Atlantean Continent. Just before the sinking of Poseidonis, about 12,000 years ago, Serapis Bey was entrusted, by the high priest of the Ascension Temple, with the task of transferring the Ascension Flame from the temple, to a place of safety.
He, together with 39 other members of the Brother-hood, sailed across uncharted seas to Luxor, Egypt. Just after their arrival at the Nile River, they felt the rumble and shaking of the earth, which indicated to them that Poseidonis was sinking.
After disembarking in the vicinity of today's Luxor, the forty volunteers brought the Ascension Flame ashore, nourishing it with their very breath, as the flame appeared to be all but ashes.
Here Serapis Bey established a Temple for the Flame and has been its principal Guardian ever since. An embodied, trusted member of the Brotherhood of the Ascension Flame would guard the flame, when Serapis Bey was at inner levels, between embodiments. While in embodiment in Egypt, Serapis Bey built the temples at Thebes and Karnak.
At a later time, in an embodiment as Phidias, Serapis Bey rendered a great service to mankind, in bringing forth the nearly‑exact replica of the Temple of Truth. This was done so that the outer consciousness might contemplate its perfection, and tune into its service to God. The building was erected near Athens, Greece, in about 450 B.C.. It was called the Parthenon, and it was dedicated to Pallas Athena.
Serapis Bey was also embodied as King Leonidas of Sparta.
The Brotherhood at Luxor performed a great service by rescuing the most precious books from the library at Alexandria, before it was burned by vandals. These books, as well as other important libraries, are kept at Luxor and at other retreats of the Ascended Masters.
After Serapis Bey gained the Ascension around 400 B.C., he became Chohan of the Fourth Ray. The action of the Ascension Flame comes under this ray. He is the Master in charge of the Brotherhood at Luxor, Egypt, and also works with the Seraphim. The Brotherhood of Luxor wears robes of white, with crystalline trimmings at the hem and cuff. A symbol of the sun is over the heart. Serapis Bey wears the headdress of the retreat, a golden band with two wings of flame over the forehead.
The beloved Serapis Bey holds to a strict discipline for those who aspire to the Ascension, for it is not possible that the fullness of God can be attained by those who have misused God’s energy through many ages of living, unless they perfect themselves.
Beloved Serapis is a Lord of Love, and his ONE PURPOSE IN LIFE is to actually FREE every individual, upon this planet, from the recoil of those impure causes and cores of limitations and disease, and their inevitable effects of distress of body, mind, soul and affairs. He looks over the four lower bodies of such a one, and prepares a schedule of events and conditions to be experienced by the chela, which will enable him to completely purify and redeem those bodies, which as yet have not been brought under the full control of the individualized “I AM” Flame of the lifestream.