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BELOVED SANAT KUMARA (‘Ancient of Days’ in the Old Testament)


Beloved Sanat Kumara returned to Venus, His home planet, and was released from his millions of years of self-chosen exile in January 1956.  He temporarily returned again to help Saint Germain in the 1970s, and is currently in embodiment to bring humanity a great gift, and to ‘lift the curse of Cain’ and ‘the sweat of the brow.’ He is soon to return to His Home Venus.

The ‘curse of Cain’ was the effect of our mis-use of Life and Light from our “I AM” Presence, which caused the loss of the use of Light Rays, which provided all we needed in the world of ‘form’.

We turned away from the Light, and gave our attention and power to the outside world, and lost the ability to precipitate through our “I AM” Presence, all we need from the Universal Light Substance, which is ever-present. We began to ‘sweat at the brow’ for our supply.

This is now to end, and we are again to turn to the Ways of Light and live according to the immutable Universal Laws of Life.



By Thomas Printz (BELOVED EL MORYA)

Journal Bk 1 - The Five-Pointed Star

      In Eastern Asia, there stretches a great desert, today, over the land used by the Venusian Brothers as the habitat of their Cosmic Lord. It is now known as the Gobi Desert and was at that time a beautiful inland sea, in the center of which lay a lovely green and shining island, which they called the White Island, and which was to be the site for the building of the ageless Shamballa, “the home of celestial love.”

      The thirty volunteers from Venus, who had tied their soul's light into the wheel of earth's evolution, began the great task of building on the White Island a temple of light, to be the home of Sanat Kumara and his lieutenants. Laboring for over nine hundred years, passing from the outworn earthly bodies, but to return without the spiritual respite of a heavenly rest, they completed the old domed temples, the perfection of the White City, that was to be the marvel of the earth for centuries to come. How can mere words clothe the constancy of this service in a form that can convey the fidelity of those thirty beings of flame?

      Finally, all was in readiness. The hour of earth's initiation was come. The Karmic Lords had bowed before the august presence of Sanat Kumara and his three lieutenants and awaited, in love, their visitation. Nature and man's elect were ready. The stars and suns of the system, for a moment, were stilled and the supreme sacrifice, in silence, was effected.

      Out from the aura of Venus, the first great rosy glow of the expanding aura of the Kumaras began to suffuse the sky with the glory of a celestial dawn. Then upward soared a great five-pointed star, until it stood suspended above the planet Venus, intensifying the aureole of colors. All the souls on Venus knew that any Cosmic Activity of the great Kumaras was presaged by the presence of the star, which appeared to herald announcements or decrees of the Lords of the Flame, which would affect the progress of the great Venusian state. Every heart on Venus was focused on that star, waiting its message of the hour.

Slowly and majestically, there rose into the rays of the star, four shining golden figures, that stood, for a moment, pouring out their blessing and their heart’s deepest love to the planet of their birth. Little did their children know the deep feeling in the hearts of the Kumaras as they bade their star good-bye—not for a lifetime, but for uncertain centuries, yet unborn from the womb of time. And then there rose a burst of sound, and the people of Venus, for the first time in the history of the planet, saw the star begin to move outward toward the periphery of their sphere. Within it, moving slowly and majestically, were the figures of the Solar Lords. All fell on their knees and a beautiful hymn of blessing and love rose from the inhabitants of Venus, tinged with the great sadness of parting, enfolding the departing figures in a mantle of most sacred love. Thus, the four Kumaras left the light of Venus for the shadow of the earth's aura. Of the seven Kumaras, four sacrificed themselves for the sins of the world, and the instruction of the ignorant, to remain till the end of the present manvantara (a cyclic period of time).

      Oh how different the reception was from the parting! The earth was spinning darkly on her bended axis, no hearts were upraised; there was no song of welcome gratitude. Ah! yes, thirty small pinpoints of light, like faint, flickering candles, guided the Cosmic Masters' descent, and slowly and majestically the great pink aura blanketed the earth. What was the sudden comfort and hope and peace that entered into the hearts of men? What caused the withered flowers to raise their heads, the birds to sing with new sweetness, the children to laugh again? What was this mysterious, unseen ether that entered into the very atmosphere of earth?

Only thirty waiting spirits knew, as they knelt in reverent love, before the smiling presence of their longed-for Lord. Ah, SANAT KUMARA, Lord of Love. One day shall we return You and Your Shining Band to your own Beloved Star and, as You go, the shining Light of Earth will be a mighty crest that carries You triumphant, leaving us a Star of Freedom, accepted by the Cosmic Law, as a permanent focus of blessing in our system—through Your Love.


An excerpt from ‘Dictations by Ascended Masters’  - BRIDGE TO FREEDOM



Our love and deepest gratitude extends to the beloved Lord of the Word, Sanat Kumara. May the words of this beloved Master kindle the light in the hearts of all who read them and make each such a one a light bearers in himself, a spiritual incendiary which calls forth the light in the souls of others.

To you, beloved Sanat Kumara, we express the gratitude of mankind, of the elemental kingdom, and of the very body of the Earth, itself. Because of your great sacrifice, your presence with us, your love, your patience, your constancy, the planet itself has been sustained in the solar system to this present day. Every member of the human race who uses the platform of Earth to stand upon, owes his spiritual salvation to that light which you have given so freely from your great heart.

May the mankind of Earth quickly, joyously, enthusiastically and effectively cooperate with the endeavors of the Great White Brotherhood.

Thomas Printz. (Beloved El Morya)



"What consciousness would stand, at the fall of every Golden Age, before the Karmic Board and say: “I RENEW MY VOW, I SHALL REMAIN, THEY WILL YET ARISE, THEY WILL YET EMIT LIGHT”?

The Karmic Board, more than once, counseled him to linger no longer, that the mercy of the Law had exhausted itself, that divine justice would no longer accept a sacrifice of such tremendous proportions, of love without parallel.

I have stood there, you have stood there, as that great dignified Lord of Life quietly and firmly said, “I SHALL REMAIN”. Then the light of Venus dimmed in his eye and the thoughts of home receded from his sweet consciousness, lest the very pull of that love would weaken his resolve.

I have stood on Venus, by the side of Sanat Kumara's beloved, I have seen her filled with increasing hope as the hour of his exile neared completion. Then, I have seen her turn and walk back into the City of the Sun, with her shoulders squared and her eyes facing the heart of the Presence, another million years doing the work of others.

That, my children, is LOVE. That is WHAT FIRES ME WITH ENTHUSIASM, with DETERMINATION to find among the sons and daughters of men some who would love as Venus has. That is the inspiration that brought me to the side of Saint Germain. That is the fire that took me into the very presence of Helios and Vesta, themselves, to ask for an opportunity to reach those chelas who had served with me in many a tight corner through the ages. That is the fire that beat within my heart, as I stood before the great Maha Chohan and in the face of his question made me say: “I BELIEVE I CAN FIND MEN AND WOMEN TO HOLD THE BRIDGE, TO FAN THE DYING EMBERS OF TRUTH, TO STIR THE SOULS OF MEN AND TO SET THIS GOD-BEING FREE.”

Justice and right MUST PREVAIL. men and women who have benefited by the patience and love of Sanat Kumara, who yet refuse to serve WHEN THEY KNOW WHAT HE HAS DONE—it is outrageous!
This is a crusade, my dear ones, in which my spirit, my soul, the fire of my being is invested. Before I am through, THERE WILL NOT BE A SOUL ON THIS PLANET WHO HAS NOT HEARD THE NAME OF SANAT KUMARA. THERE WILL NOT BE ONE INCOMING SOUL WHO WILL NOT KNEEL BEFORE HIS LIGHT.

I am a man of determination and purpose. It is the WILL OF GOD that the men and women of Earth give forth the light to make this star shine.
At inner levels it is a DISGRACE to look upon the sweet Earth, to hear its cry, to hear it groan as it turns upon its axis and to witness the effluvia from the hearts of men that the blessed elementals are forced to clean up.

Come forth now, my friends! Let us be about our Father's business! I thank you." El Morya


The Low Point In Our History

Excerpt from “21 Essential Lessons” complied by Werner Schroeder from The Bridge to Freedom material

Let us ever be grateful to and remember the great service given by Sanat Kumara, one of the greatest friends the Earth has ever known.

Once the laggards were brought to Earth, mankind started its downward trend. The “local mist” (Genesis 2:6) caused by the laggards became a total veil, generated when most of mankind tuned into thoughtforms of misqualified energy and produced some of their own. This downward trend continued until the Earth reached such a low point that it became a concern of the Hierarchy of its galaxy.

Cosmic Law demands any planet to carry a certain amount of Light (harmoniously, constructively-qualified energy) by its inhabitants as a condition of maintaining its place in a solar system. About four and a half million years ago, during the Mu‑Age (Lemurian Age), the Earth fell short on the following counts:

1) It did not emit sufficient constructive radiation.

2) It did not contribute sufficiently to the music of the galaxy, the so‑called “Music of the Spheres.”

3) Its rotating axis was tilted 45 degrees. If the degree of inclination would have increased, it would have been disastrous; (now, in 1998, it is tilted about 23 degrees).

4) Guardian spirits cannot stay indefinitely on a planet. They must return to their own planets, their natural sphere of activity. Their place must be taken by the natural lifestreams of the Earth. This has not occurred. THE FIRST THREE ROOT RACES ASCENDED, BUT OUT OF THESE MILLIONS OF LIFESTREAMS, NOT A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTED IN ANY MANNER TO THE SUCCEEDING RACES. All of these individuals chose to progress at inner levels, and thereby elected not to assist the inhabitants of the Earth.

5) Man descended to the stage known to us as the caveman. Even the knowledge of how to make a simple fire became a forgotten item. The age of the dinosaurs prevailed.

6) The spark in the heart of the individual, which maintains his life, and which anchors the I AM Presence, had shrunk to one sixteenth of an inch.

7) The nature kingdom revolted and refused to bring forth any new foliage for a mankind so full of discord and lack of appreciation of their services.

Against the backdrop of these alarming developments, Helios and Vesta were required to attend a Cosmic Council. The Council was attended by representatives of the galaxy of which the Earth is part, as well as by representatives from other galaxies. The conference was chaired by Alpha and Omega, who are responsible for our galaxy.

After considering all pertinent factors, a proposal was made to write off the Earth as a useless experience. As part of this plan, the Earth was to be swung off its axis, thereby dissolving it. This would have meant the end of the opportunity for all life to use the Earth as a vehicle of self-expression and growth.

Sanat Kumara, an Ascended Being from the planet Venus, and one of its regents, at this point suggested that if an Ascended Being with sufficient Light (constructively-qualified energy) chose to remain in the atmosphere of Earth and offer his Light as a balance for the Light‑quota lacking on Earth, the Earth might be saved. Sanat Kumara would have to stay on Earth, until a worthy successor could be found and the Earth would again emit sufficient Light.

Archangel Raphael agreed, and asked for volunteers. Sanat Kumara indicated he would be interested provided that his twin‑flame, Venus, the other Co‑Regent of the planet Venus, would consent. Venus subsequently agreed, and this freed Sanat Kumara to proceed with his mission.

It was stated to the students in the 1950’s that Sanat Kumara had fulfilled similar missions before, each time returning home victorious. (From this account it is reasonable to assume that a similar “fall of man” also took place on other planets.)

In the Bible Sanat Kumara is called “the Ancient of Days” (Daniel 7:9).


Dictations by the Ascended Masters Pg 142

Introduction By Beloved Thomas Printz (El Morya)

Our love and gratitude extends to our Lord, Sanat Kumara, beloved Venus, and the Lady Master Meta, their daughter of light!

May all who read it, find inspiration to become a part of that great Brotherhood, whose service is to learn to consciously generate and project the light rays which dissipate the evils created by mankind before mankind, themselves, have to reap the imperfect harvest they have sown.

Blessed Meta! Your activities in the focusing of conscious students in the etheric cities has preserved mankind to this present day! We call now that unascended beings may open their consciousness, hearts and beings to these light rays and become spiritual “partners” with your trained students who serve at inner levels. We call also that every chela may master the magnetization and direction of the light rays whenever and wherever needed to remove distress and to bring peace, healing, protection, enlightenment and God-control to their fellowmen.

Thomas Printz


By Beloved Meta (Daughter of Sanat Kumara)

Beloved sons and daughters of God, I bring to you the particular and specific benedictions of Sanat Kumara (my blessed father) and the beloved Venus (my holy mother). I bring you also the blessings of all the ladies of heaven who are particularly interested in your endeavors to expand the radiation of healing through sustained harmony in your feelings.

It is many, many centuries (as recorded by human time) since my father returned from a conclave of the Suns of this system. I remember, as though it were yesterday, the day he divulged the information to my mother and our family, that, through cosmic vote and through divine justice of the impersonal universal Law, the planet Earth had lost the right to draw any more energy or to be further sustained by the self-conscious sacrifice of elemental life—neither was it longer entitled to receive the release of substance, power and light from the Sun, from the angelic host and those other beings who had guarded her thus far. It was thought by the Cosmic Law to be the part of wisdom and justice to return this Earth again to the unformed (to primal life) that its substance might be repolarized and formed anew in the womb of some future Sun, to be a cradle for some other evolution, perhaps more willing and desirous of fulfilling the will of God!



To become an Ascended Master is the next step in Earth humans’ spiritual evolution.

Compiled by:  Nancy B. Detweiler – The Master speaking is listed at the beginning of his/her statements.

Maha Chohan – 1957

“A Sun Council was called when the Earth had reached its lowest ebb, when there seemed no possibility for it to contribute to the Light of the solar system.  At this Conference among the Suns of this galaxy, it was decided that the planet Earth would be returned to primal essence because it was contributing no Light, no music, no constructive radiation to the universe of which it was a part.  It was thought best to dissolve this planet, conserving life and returning the substance of the planet itself for re-polarization into the heart of Helios and Vesta.  As conservation of life is an essential part of the Cosmic Law.

Lord Sanat Kumara was One among other great and Divine Beings from other stars, Suns and universes Who attended the Council.  He went home to His planet determined in His heart to help the Earth.  He did not sit in His courtyard surrounded by the magnificent Beings, the Kumaras, the Angels, Devas and His own people, in proximity to His beloved Divine Complement, Venus and just think it was too bad to see the Earth and all that belonged to it being discarded.  Sanat Kumara, even One of the greatest of the mystics, had learned the Law of balance as well as Love and He pondered within Himself what He might do to sustain the Earth’s place in this system.  He asked for the opportunity to give to the Earth His radiation and Light and to act through His developed capacities of thought, feeling and action, as Lord of the World for the Earth.  This request was granted.

When He returned Home to His Star, Venus, He made the announcement of His offer and many of those who loved Him well offered to precede Him to Earth and prepare a suitable dwelling for Him.  Beloved Lady Venus made the great sacrifice when She felt the great affinity to His feeling world, His desire to come to Earth.  She made the sacrifice of representing Father and Mother for the planet Venus, to give Him freedom.  Also an activity that took life, energy and work is magnetizing the feminine and masculine aspects to keep an entire planetary evolution progressing for millions of years.