An answer from our Father / Mother God Beloved Alpha & Omega


21ST JULY 2017


A beautiful story shared by Therese – Lightbearers Worldwide   ….a special story that unfolded over the last few days.

Back in June, my children and I went for an extraordinarily challenging and ultimately rewarding 12-day camping adventure to the West Coast and back. One of the many experiences we had was that my car brakes, rotors and tires wore out over a high mountain range on a 26 percent grade mountain pass in the Sierra Nevadas.

By the grace of God and with much prayer, we made it to the town 80 miles down yonder—sparks flying and wheels grinding. We received assistance in the nick of time and were able to repair the car before the wheels locked up.

Following this, my faithful car, which has served us so well, began to overheat and have all kinds of transmission issues. I knew that in a matter of weeks—perhaps a few months--we would need a new vehicle.

I wrote about this in my letter to the Karmic Board on the Fourth of July.

My little niece was also praying daily to Lanello for us to get a new car. Still, I did not see how we could afford it. I wanted to maximize what we had and was praying for the right timing.

My husband Brian and the children left for Canada last week.

I kept having the thought I would get a new vehicle during this week of my birthday cycle but didn't know where to begin. I contacted a couple of places online and received a phone call back from Larry, a dealer in Butte, along with an email saying, “Let me earn your business.”

Then, three days ago, while I was running errands in Bozeman, I “got the ray” to go to Butte for a car.

Butte is more than 2 hours away. It was so hot and I really didn't want to deal with it but I thought, “OK, I'll drive to Belgrade. If I get the inclination to keep going, I will go to Butte.”

Two hours later, I arrived in Butte. I asked God to “bless it or block it.” My car was barely making it over the passes. I headed towards the dealership, and also noticed another used car lot on the way in I might check out as well. “No,” I thought. “Let's talk to Larry first since he's the one who emailed me.”

I met Larry and looked at the cars. Larry had a limp handshake and nothing seemed right. “Why did I come all the way here?' I asked myself. “What a waste of time and gas. Now I don't know if my car will even make it home!”

I drove past that other parking lot and felt “the ray” again so I pulled in. Immediately, I was drawn to a car that had no price tag on it and that must have just come in. I checked out other cars on the lot but came back to this one. It looked like it might be beyond our price range.

I went inside and asked the employee what they wanted for the car. He told me that to get the price, I would have to go back to the dealership I had just come from. Even though the two car lots have different names and are several blocks apart, they are owned by the same company.

I took down the car information. I really didn't want to deal with Larry again. It was hot and I wanted to go home-- maybe come back another day—when my eye noticed the name of the cross street the car lot is on—Longfellow Street. Longfellow was an embodiment of the master Lanello.

“How can there be a street named after a poet in Butte, a town so dense and casino-filled, and what are the odds that this car is parked right next to that sign. Maybe it's a sign from Lanello....”

I went back to the first car lot as Larry comes out the door. “You're back,” he says, cigarette in hand, “ looking about as happy to see me as I was to see him. Then, I seem to pick up the thoughtform from him “Here's a dumb blonde whose husband is out of town.”

“I want to know the price of this car,” I said, handing him the paper.

“That car? Are you sure you don't want a different car?”



“Well then, how much did they tell you the car was?”

“They are not sure. Under $20,000, maybe $18,000. They told me to come in and see you. ”

“Really?” he said, like it should be a lot more.

"They told me it has 82,000 miles on it. I want to see the blue book value.”

Larry looks in his computer. “It has 82,000 miles. It is in mint condition.” Then he looks at the blue book value. “$13,000 to $16,000,” he says, surprised.

“If this is the car you really want, we can do it for $16,999 and that's a stretch for us. I told my manager we have to trim the fat for you because you came all the way out here,” etc., etc.--all the usual dealership sales talk.

“All right,” I said, “but I want to test drive the car and trade-in my vehicle.” He first offered me $2000, then $2500 for our car and I was happy. With a good bank interest rate, the payments would still be doable, by God's grace, under $300 a month which is what I had asked for.

I could tell Larry was acting a bit nervous, like something was off and the sale had to be done quickly. I couldn't tell what it was. Maybe that was just his way of being. Maybe he needed to get home because it was late. He told me the car had been checked and was mechanically sound. So I brushed off any concern, signed all the paperwork and got into the new car, happy and relieved.

I stopped in next door at WalMart and picked up a bluegrass gospel CD. I drove away from Butte thanking God, singing to Jesus and feeling very blessed, until....

About an hour later, an indicator on the dashboard came on and showed me the car mileage was actually 92,400 miles.

92,400 miles? They told me it was 82,000 miles. I didn't want to be upset, but I started getting the sense something was not right. Still, I loved the feel of the car so I said to myself, “What difference is 10.000 miles really. We would likely have put that on in about three months time.”

I noticed, however, that my sense of joy was gone. Then, as I drove into Emigrant, a large bat flew into the car, hitting it like a brick. “A bat? What's all that about?” Thankfully no damage.

I got home, called Brian and told him about the car. I tried to pass my initial enthusiasm onto him.

He said to me, “My mom had the exact same vehicle and the mechanic told her to get rid of it before it reaches 100,000 miles because these particular cars are known to have a train chain issue that can lead to serious engine problems. Look it up online. If only you had called me, I would have told you never to get this car.”

My heart sank.

“I couldn't call you in Canada from there,” I said. “And I thought the Longfellow sign was a sign from Lanello. This car has a strong elemental and I really had the sense that our old car might not even make it back from Butte.”

“I understand,” Brian said. “I don't want to be negative. But look it up.”

I looked up what Brian said about that car year and sure enough, it was true. Then, I looked up the blue book value of the car again with 92,000 miles.

The value only came in at $10,000 to $13,000. At least $3000 less than I paid. For a car that could break down soon, with no warranty. I had been gotten.

I checked the paperwork I signed to see what mileage was on it.

I couldn't believe it! The paperwork said 92,400 miles, even though they had told me 82,000. And the way the digits printed had a paper line going through the middle of the 9. Without reading glasses, I never noticed the difference.

I was crushed. Devastated. I couldn't sleep. By four in the morning, I called my mom on the East Coast and asked her to pray with me. (I always remember Bettie Eadie's comments after her near-death experience that a mother's prayers are the strongest, go straight up to heaven and are the first ones seen by the angels.) Then I asked for a few other people to pray for me as well.

I started to look into any legal assistance. Nothing. I had signed the paperwork. Sold. As Is. I called General Motors about a warranty. They said the warranty had to be sold by the dealership at the time of the sale.

What to do? I decided to call the dealership as soon as they opened and ask to speak with a manager. They took a message. I said more prayers.

Then, my phone rings. It's Adam, the manager.

I told Adam about the mileage discrepancy. I asked him to look at the blue book value of the car with me. Sure enough, it was lower. “I don't know what happened, “he said.

 “Larry had to type in the wrong numbers,” I said. “And when he found out the car had 92.000 miles, if he didn't know already, he never said anything.”

I told Adam I wanted the price adjusted and a warranty on the car. He said he didn't know if they could do a warranty because warranties are so expensive. I told him that up to 100,000 miles, I should be able to get a warranty. He said he would look into it and get back to me. “When?” I asked. He told me he had a lot of meetings.

I waited one hour, two hours, three hours and I tried to sleep.

Then, I called the dealership back twice.

They started to give me the runaround. “Adam is very busy. We just started a new sale this morning. Your name is on a sticky note on his computer. He'll get back to you when he can.”

At that point, I knew I had to take the bull by the horns.  “You tell Adam I am coming back to Butte right now, “ I said. “I'll be there by 3 and I'll be there in person so we can sign new paperwork.”

The energy on the other line felt like a wall of voodoo. “Make sure you tell him” I repeated.

I got off the phone, all shaken up and called Brian. “Should I go all the way to Butte before having an agreement with Adam? Will it be worth the trip or will I be going there for nothing?

“I don't know,” Brian said. “It's your initiation.”


I decided to go, assailed with doubt. What if Adam is out to lunch when I get there? What if they laugh at me and tell me all sales final? At least I can look them in the eye.

All the way to Butte, I prayed. I sobbed.

 “All I wanted was a good. safe car for us and I thought this was a sign from Lanello.” I cried.

 I questioned my discernment. I asked for forgiveness for all instances in this life or in other lifetimes where I was dishonest and hurtful to others.

Three rock chips hit my windshield hard in less than an hour. It felt like such an attack of negative energy.

For me the situation seemed desperate. I knew what kind of strain big mechanical repairs would be on our family, especially on top of a new car payment.

Finally, the thought crossed my mind to call to Alpha and Omega, our Father-Mother God.

“Beloved Alpha and Omega, I know you are so busy with all of the workings of this galaxy and that this is a very small matter for you. I also know that you are in every heart. Please, if it is at all possible look down upon this situation with this dealership in Butte, Montana, as well as on all situations where there is scamming and scumminess on planet Earth and help us to redress it. 

"I need a warranty for our car and I need for our car to be priced at the blue book value. Please help me. I have done all I can in my power. Now I surrender completely. If it is my karma to have this car be sold as is, for the higher price, with no warranty, I accept whatever happens.” ”

I walked into the dealership.

Adam was still in a meeting. I noticed that the dealership felt a lot cleaner than the day before. “That must be all the prayers and the calls to Astrea,” I thought.

Adam comes out of the meeting, shakes my hand firmly and takes me into his office.

He agrees to take $1000 off the price of the car and to sell us a complete 85,000 mile warranty worth $3000 for $1000.

"This warranty covers everything mechanical on the car and will only raise your car payment by $10 a month," he tells me. 

I feel elated. “Yes,” I say, “Thank you so much.” Tears of joy and relief are coming to my eyes.

“We want happy customers,” Adam says. He opens up the brochure that describes all the warranty benefits. It''s everything I could have asked for and more!

Then, to my amazement, I flip the brochure and read on top of the front, 

Alpha Warranty Services. 

Drive On.


I am almost beside myself. This is a cosmic moment taking place right inside this Butte dealership and Adam has no idea what he is just facilitating! 

I ask Adam, “If the car needs repair, can I take it anywhere?”


'Yes,” he says. “Everybody know Alpha.”

Everybody knows Alpha. 

An hour later, I drive away, completely in bliss, with the car I love and a warranty from Alpha Himself. Larry even came in, and put his hand on my shoulder to let me know he was sorry.

I don't know if I have ever experienced in this life a greater feeling of gratitude or closeness with our Father-Mother God.

Thank you beloved Jesus, Lanello and all the friends in heaven who helped me.

Thank you to my mom,my sisters and to the friends who prayed for me.

 Thank you Beloved Lords of Karma for this new car in this new solar year cycle.

Yes, Beloved Alpha. we will drive on!
