(from THE MAGIC PRESENCE by Godfre Ray King)

"When one wishes to give way to his own feeling of resistance rather than still that feeling and replace it by Peace, he destroys himself - mind, body and world - because the Law is that whatever discordant thought and feeling is sent forth by a human being, it must first vibrate through the brain and body of the sender before it can reach into the rest of the Universe.

After swinging out, it begins the return journey to its creator. While coming back, it gathers more of its kind, and that becomes the accretion of which the individual's world is composed. This is The Law, and it is Immutable. . . . "


From the Great Elohim of Peace

Given to Morgan Le Fay

“When your Threefold Flame strengthens and begins to pump the Golden Light into your brain, a great process of adjustment of your brain structure begins. Firstly, it floods and enfolds your brain cells, in order to dissolve the grossest substances that numb your brain.

As said, there are seven different levels or densities of matter that make up each of your bodies and each level has seven sublevels, each sublevel also has seven sub-sublevels and so on. Therefore, my beloved children, we are not just talking about the cells detected through a scientific microscope, but about the set of cells of different densities that make up your brain and their correspondence in all your internal bodies.

The purification of the substances that make up your brain can take years or even incarnations, if it depends only on your conscious effort, because to expand the spark within your hearts until it becomes a Pulsating Flame, a huge Momentum of Light must be created, furthermore, it needs to be fed constantly. However, if you attract the attention of an Ascended Master to you, this can be accomplished in a relatively short time.

Not only does your brain need to be cleansed, but also your spine. Many dense patterns and toxic substances accumulate there, for example, residue from alcoholic beverages. The substance generated by alcohol consumption is extremely destructive. It pollutes and obstructs the internal channels that flow within the spinal cord, as well as those leading from it to various parts of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental body. My precious ones, if you knew the damage it causes you, you would never put a drop of alcohol in your body again.

As long as there is no obedience on the part of the student in this matter, in ceasing the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and I mean, completely extinguishing it, an Ascended Master will never assist you in this purification process, as all the energy employed by the Ascended Master in this service of love to you, would be in vain, since with your destructive habit, in a short time, you would again block and numb your brain structure and spinal cord with the same toxic substance.

We wish to give you many clarifications of how things work within your bodies, but we can only do so if there is a continuous effort on the part of a good part of the students to self-correct, educating their outer self in the right direction.

Today I just want to tell you that, until these dense substances are completely purified, the process of adjusting your brain, so that it marries your heart and both begin to work in perfect unity, as just one organ, cannot move on. And only after this process is completed, will your inner eye and ear open to their fullest, like two shining lotuses, connecting you with all spheres and dimensions of Light.



Great Archangel of Resurrection & Ascension -Divine Complement of Archaii Hope

(From: Friendship with the Gods – The bridge to Spiritual Freedom)

 "I AM" Gabriel, He Who is called the 'Announcer' bringing tidings of great joy to all generations. These tidings come to you in the progress of this Sweet Earth as She, and all Her evolutions move ever upward in the Holy Father's Scheme of God Creation. There are already inner Divine Causes set up, waiting to burst through the veil of maya as a manifest expression of God perfection which the Beloved Saint Germain holds for you as well as for succeeding generations.

Have you ever thought what causes motivation? The will to do, the intelligence by which It is done and the Love by which to sustain the manifestation, This was the power utilized for the progression of the Earth and the same activity of motivation can be used to accelerate the cells and atoms of your being; throwing off into the Violet Transmuting Flame all discord, and sustaining and accelerating the power of God, alive within you, rather than allowing your physical vehicle to decline. Think on it!

The motivating power in all life is of a different vibration of course. So-called inanimate matter is impregnated with the consciousness of all who use it, but the motivating power of the cells and atoms of your dear bodies can be regulated and move more rapidly until all human creation is removed, and the Powers of your Holy Christ Flame activated and set free, to bless all life everywhere. Accelerate the vibratory action of those organs and cells which require assistance NOW!! The moment you think of Us, you are with Us and the moment We think of you We are with you. That is truly a power of rapid motivation, is it not?


From the Beloved Maha Chohan (Bridge to Freedom 1954)…

“Beloved friends, gratitude is the open door to your freedom!”


"Measure well the vision that comes to you from all life!
That which Raises, that which Unifies, that which Frees, that which turns the consciousness back to God is GOOD! That is The Will of God! You need no occult measure, you need no external advisor."

The Law of Re-embodiment and Karma

By Beloved Saint Germain

An Excerpt from Unveiled Mysteries By godfre Ray King

“The Law of re-embodiment is the activity in human growth that gives the individual an opportunity to re-establish a balance, in conditions that he has consciously caused to be thrown out of balance. It is but one activity of the law of compensation— cause and effect, or what might be called an automatic balancing process, governing all forces everywhere in the universe. The right understanding of this Law gives one the explanation of many conditions in human experience, which otherwise seem wholly unjust. It is the only logical explanation for the infinite complexities and experiences of human creation, and reveals the operation and the Law upon which all manifestation rests. It makes one know that there is no such thing as chance or accident.

All is under direct, exact, and Perfect Law. Every experience of consciousness has a former cause, and everything at the same instant is the cause of a future effect. “ If a man has injured a woman in one life, he is certain to be reincarnated in a feminine form and pass through a similar experience until he realizes and experiences that which he has caused another to endure. The same thing is true if a woman be unjust or injures a man. This is the only way by which one is compelled, or rather compels himself, to experience both the cause and effect of everything which he generates in the world. The individual can create and experience whatsoever he will in his own world; but if he choose to do that which causes others to experience discord, then he compels himself to go through a similar condition until he understands what the effect of his own creation is upon the rest of the Life of the universe.”


Law of Life

by Beloved Saint Germain

“It is very difficult for the average individual to understand that the quickest way to stop any kind of disturbance is to stop discussing it.

The thing in your own aura is the only thing that needs attention. The thing recorded in your atmosphere can only come through your feeling.

The spoken word, unless there is a sense of condemnation or anger back of it, will not record inharmony on your Inner atmosphere.

Of the two undesirable conditions, it is far better that one explode and get a thing off his mind than to hold the feeling within of resentment, or of being hurt, for that is what registers on your Inner Atmosphere.”

Excerpt from Discourse 24 by Beloved Saint Germain

Volume 3, The “I AM” Discourses

Guidance received by Eileen Caddy founder of Findhorn in Scotland, when she was still on the Earth plain:

The Situation Around You All Depends On You

”Let there be Light, Light and more Light. See Light, think Light, be Light, send it forth in ever increasing force and strength. You are a channel for My divine Light, open yourself up and let yourself be used to radiate Light out into this darkened earth. The more uplifting your thoughts, the more loving your actions, the more help you are to all those around you. It does not matter what you are doing, you can bring Light into it.

Never wait for someone else to throw light onto a situation, do it yourself. You do the uplifting, you help to raise the thinking, you shoulder your responsibility with real joy in your heart. The situation around you all depends on you. Expect the best and the best will be forthcoming. Expect the best in every soul and the best will be drawn forth no matter how ’deeply hidden away it may be!”


Beloved El Morya

BRIDGE TO FREEDOM – Journal  book 3

“Now, dear hearts, in order to have a perfect activity of the Light Rays, you must have both “directors” and “receivers.” This is the way we work in the Ascended Master Realm. We have the Master who is directing the energy and the ray goes forth from him to another Master who is working with him. He receives it at the point where the service is to be rendered. We do most of our communication, of course, in this manner through the light rays, without worded speech at all. Through radiation and picture, the communication is directed and the service is given.

I might say that if you had taken up my intended invitation to visit Darjeeling as the setting for this conference, we would have started at Ceylon and walked up through India. You would have found it there a good deal warmer than you do here in Philadelphia! You would have had to provide your own atmosphere, blessed hearts. It is very hot in the south of India. When you get up around Darjeeling, of course it is very beautiful, but we were going to start at Ceylon and let you see some of the lovely places that belong to history now, places where the Buddha walked and talked, where he gave his first message to the public and where he finally ascended. I took it upon myself (among all my other duties) to consult with our new Lord Buddha (formerly Lord Maitreya), our Lord Maha Chohan, the Archangel Michael and Lanto, concerning the possibilities of drawing here into this room certain cool air currents from the mountain ranges of the world. Having obtained their acquiescence, I went to the mountain ranges of the various Continents and contacted the Hierarchs of the retreats which are there. I spoke to our blessed Himalaya and asked him if he could have a group of Brothers direct cool currents of mountain air down here into this class room in Philadelphia from the Himalayas. He said: “Yes, if you have receivers.” I said: “I shall have receivers!” Then I spoke thus to the God of the Swiss Alps and he said: “Methinks I shall provide a twenty-four hour cooling system there, if you have receivers.” I again replied: “Certainly! We shall have receivers.”




"Do you think, Beloved Ones, really anything ever happens by chance? Surely you cannot think that! Even in the smaller things, there must be and is a cause back of every single thing, which you do in the outer. Now then, if you have allowed some destructive quality to register in your feeling world; and you are attempting to do something destructive, then if this pressure rushes forward, where does the fault lie? Really not with the Individual, not with the Intelligence which sent it forth; but in the lack of obedience to the Law of Harmony, is what allows discord to register in your feeling.

So you will see by that why We should not judge; why We should not condemn; and yet, why We should be firm and unyielding in Our Stand to the Light, the Harmony and the refusal to listen to discordant destructive things—regardless of what they may be about. Do you think that is asking too much? Is there anything of more importance in all the Universe, than your Freedom? Is there anything more wonderful in all the Universe than your Ascension? I think not!"


By the Ascended Master Saint Germain

May 1, 1958


Before we close the address today, may we lovingly request that all of you, individually and collectively, call to beloved Pallas Athena, as well as to the beloved Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Light, to loose their Mighty Light Rays into the causes and cores of all gossip and remove them, cause, effect, record and memory forever!

Beloved ones, I tell you that, as an UNASCENDED being, I suffered much from that human quality. As an ASCENDED BEING, I can truthfully say to you that GOSSIP CAN DO MORE HARM THAN PHYSICAL MURDER. As Roger Bacon I was called a “charlatan” and as I walked the streets, women would cover their children's heads with their aprons, lest my shadow fall upon them. Now, the only thing I was doing in those days, was endeavoring to teach some brilliantly-minded men who had no money. Most of the professors of that day exacted large fees, while I asked for none. I lived on little more than bread, a small sustenance, indeed, and that which I did was quite harmless. However, the fact that I was not living up to the code of the other professors in the school, caused gossip to spread. They thought that, in the little dark room which we used, we were performing feats of “black magic,” when we were studying only geography and calculus.



(Quotes from Original Document)

Service is a Balance to Life

      To children of God who walk the path of life and in that journey seek the purpose for their being—greetings!

      Service is the law of life. From the moment individualization takes place, the flame begins to accept the responsibility to give a balance to the universe for the privilege of drawing breath, using life and sustaining a separate existence, by which understanding and illumination bring freedom to the consciousness. As the law of one’s being is service, the daily life experience will constantly make it necessary for the individual, in some manner, to serve his community, his nation, his fellowman.

      Individuals who do not choose to serve are temporarily taken out of the race of life, until they will accept, again, their responsibility to be conscious servants on life’s path.


Practice Your Knowledge

By Beloved Lord Maitreya

  (Bridge To Freedom Journal 4:280-81)

“How long beloved Saint Germain has waited, how long he has dreamed of a world brotherhood, wherein the light of the heart coming from the Universal Father, the Cosmic I AM Presence, shining through the Holy Christ Selves of every man is the tie that binds all members of the human race in an impersonal, Divine Brotherhood! That life, the only eternal part of you, is being released this hour and constantly from the fetters self-imposed or directed, which are merely temporary change of human limitation. Beloved ones, accept this, the Law of Love, as I have taught it and as my chelas have taught it, for centuries. Each person's consciousness is like a cup held up and for knowledge to pour into it. When it is filled to the brim and not utilized for the benefaction of the race, there is room for no more, until that is absorbed, digested spiritually and then radiated forth as a gift of faith, illumination, love, purity, consecration, peace, healing or supply.

As you allow the substance in your cup to radiate forth, giving yourselves time, at first, to anchor the substance of the Ascended Masters' radiation into your own lower bodies, then does more of the radiation of the Divine Beings come. Your cup becomes broader in aspect, there is room for more cosmic truth and understanding to be revealed to you and you are freed from the karma of having received divine knowledge and instruction and not using it.

For, that karma, too, is written in the book of your life, and YOUR MASTER, YOUR GURU, YOUR SPONSOR IN THE ASCENDED MASTERS’ REALM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY ASPECT OF COSMIC TRUTH WHICH IS PRESENTED TO YOU WHICH YOU DO NOT UTILIZE. Think about it, beloved ones, think about the amount of truth that has been given to you recently. Think about how much you have utilized it, and how much is the obligation to the Divine Being who is your sponsor in the Ascended Masters' realm….”


the laws of life


the law of karma - cause & effect


peace! URGENT the need of the hour


selfless service is the law of life

images pp.jpg

essential daily application


LAW OF HARMONY & code of conduct


the magic "I am" presence and the ascension


death and grief


divine romance